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Thread: Sir Nigel of Truffles

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2000

    Sir Nigel of Truffles

    Sir Nigel of Truffles AKA SNOT, you're awesome. I think you're the best pet ever and thoroughly deserve the honour of Pet of the Day. You should now be raised to the peerage and become known as Lord Nigel of Truffles AKA SNOT. Then we'll have to address you as 'M'Lord' I hope you have the biggest tub of treat food to celebrate your special day.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Ever since the movie "Babe," I've fallen in love with the likes of you, sweet "Sir Nigel of Truffles! Handsome, sweet, loving and a friend to all. Especially your little pals Hobbes and MaggieMom!! Who could resist such a portrait of piggie pet perfection?? What a sight it must be to see you in the jacuzzi!! HOW do you get in?? I'd love to give you BIG belly rubs and scratchys. What a very special Pet of the Day you are, cutie pie! Big congratulations and hopes for a very happy day of celebration for our new friend S.N.O.T!!

    [This message has been edited by tatsxxx11 (edited February 17, 2001).]

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