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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.



    There are many dangers lurking in our homes that we, as humans, know
    nothing about.
    Our cats are our protection against these "hidden" dangers. Our cats
    are ever vigilant and on patrol to save our very species.
    What are these dangerous creatures you ask? Well, I have a list of a
    few, but one never knows what our cats will see as a danger to our species.
    Trust in your cat is all I can say.
    I first discovered that my cats were protecting me when, one evening,
    I returned from dining out to a horrible sight of destruction and carnage.
    It soon became apparent that my cats had put down a rebellion from the
    toilet paper while I was away. There were bits of paper strewn all through
    my home. There were also four very satisfied and exhausted kitties
    recovering on my bed.
    It was then that I began to piece together what had occurred.
    Apparently the toilet paper had plotted to destroy my possessions, while I
    was out for the evening, because there was an overturned basket in my
    bathroom that I know could never be blamed on my feline acrobats. They
    would never be so uncoordinated as to knock over something decorating my
    home. I knew then that it must have begun with the toilet paper. My cats,
    hearing the paper begin its revolutionary action, were quick to put down
    the rebellion. The paper had apparently resisted and so they had to shred
    it to ensure it would not rise again.
    I was alerted to yet another threat to my safety when I discovered
    that in the night (after all, rebellions always start in the night, don't
    they?) that several of my socks were missing or had incriminating teeth
    marks on them. I had a theory about those socks. I began to research my
    sock theory and discovered that socks are alive and prone to disappearing.
    It is a little known fact that socks were created to destroy all living
    things. Cats were put on earth to stop this from happening. Socks you
    know wiped out the dinosaurs. Think about it -- you never see dinosaur
    remains with socks on do you? Dinosaurs were perfectly happy with their
    existence when suddenly, in the middle of the night, the socks arose and
    wiped out the entire species. Socks need darkness to do their dirty work.
    That's why they sometimes become lost in the washing machine. When you
    shut the lid, the socks awaken in the darkness and attempt to escape. They
    send scouts into the sewer system to check for alligators, while the rest
    wait behind for word of the situation. Unfortunately, the wash cycle is
    too short for them to all escape before you open the lid and let the light
    in. Fortunately, the dryer lint trap is too small for them to escape
    through, although some have been known to commit suicide by reverting to
    their original lint form.
    The very blankets on our beds are also dangerous. One night, I
    entered my bedroom only to discover that my well-made bed was in a state of
    total disarray. All of the covers were on the floor at the bottom of the
    bed. Even the fitted sheet was half off the bed, and two of the cats were
    sleeping comfortably under the conquered sheet. I felt so much safer
    sleeping in my bed (after I remade it of course) knowing that the
    rebellious bed clothing had been tamed. However, my Siamese cat felt the
    need to sleep under the covers, just in case.
    It has been rumored that paper towels, sweaters, and occasionally
    undergarments have also risen in revolt and had to be put down by our
    beloved felines. This has not been substantiated in my home... yet.
    I know my cats are ever alert to danger because they often accompany
    me to the bathroom to inspect the paper and they always watch it go down
    the drain to make sure it's really gone.
    I, for one, am grateful for my feline SWAT team and hope they may
    continue to patrol my home for hidden dangers for many, many years to come.

    -- Cat Fulton <cathyscatz @>

    Cat says: I live in Iowa with my husband and we have three kids. My
    husband likes to say we have one of each -- a boy, a girl and a teenager!
    In addition to my four cats, we also have a Weimaraner dog and 4 domestic
    rats. There is never a dull moment in our household. I was blessed with a
    mom who seldom said "no" to our requests for pets as kids, although she did
    say "NO" once to the bat I found in the barn that I wanted to keep! I also
    belong to the Siamese rescue, where many Siamese cats await their forever
    Keegan 9/28/2001 to June 9, 2012
    Kylie (June 2000 to 5/19/2012)
    "we as American's have forgotten we can agree to disagree"
    Kylie the Queen, Keegan the Princess, entertained by Kloe the court Jester
    Godspeed Phred and Gini you will be missed more than you ever know..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    That was so cute!! I would love to have that framed and on the wall at home!! Too cute!!

    Thanks for sharing it!
    ...RIP, our sweet Gini...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Albuquerque, NM
    lol lol lol

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    New York, NY,USA

    Many thanks to Kay for the fabulous sig!

  6. #6
    In cleaning house this morning, I discovered that an attack was just barely averted some time last night. Apparently the napkins in the napkin basket on the table were staging an uprising, but thankfully one of my fearless felines (who apparently chooses to go nameless, shunning all expressions of gratitude) showed them what for and tore them all into shreds before their plan could come to fruition. Those napkins put up a valiant fight, though. Some of them must have run to pretty great lengths to escape the claws, as they made it all the way into the kitchen before succumbing.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Drama Queen Rehab
    6,984 aunt has a cat who will tear off paper towels from the roll. My mom was talking to her (my aunt) on the phone one time and Jake, the kitty, jumped up on the counter, tore off a paper towel, & gave it to the dog. He then repeated the action until everyone in the house (humans included) had a papertowel.

    Cats. Gotta love 'em!

    [ November 10, 2001: Message edited by: zippy-kat ]

  8. #8
    Zipyy, he's just trying to be helpful!

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