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Thread: talkative cat--

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    north dakota

    talkative cat--

    I thought I was fixing the problem for my loud mouth kitty and much to my disapointment--so far---I made the wrong choice! I got her a baby kitty....She is very mean to's been a week now and she just hisses at her or bites her. I thought it would give her a companion--Wrong...what can I do now?????? sheri
    Thanks for all the humorous responses! I have enjoyed getting them..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    north dakota
    The one year old is siamese and I have never had a "stuck up" one--although that seems to be the stereo-typical personality trait. the baby is a good-ol-barn kitty! freindliest kitty--Mama was killed and I took the kitty thinking my "Gidgy" could do some mothering--instead of worrying about my Every move! We'll play it out for a while and see...thanks--sheri

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    sheri - just give it time usually takes about 10 days before the hissing quits. They may end up really good friends or they will learn to tolerate each other.

    [ October 04, 2001: Message edited by: purrley ]

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