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Thread: (Simba & Nala *5 videos*)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...

    (Simba & Nala *5 videos*)

    I took these just now.. They're all about 20+ minutes, so they may/may not take a while to load.

    This first one is them telling me that they're hungry... I make them do this everytime before they eat.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    This is Simba saying " I Love You" ... He did it correctly once but added a long whine to it.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    Simba doing some tricks...
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    And some more tricks.....
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    Last but not least... Nala doing a trick.
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    ~Kay, Athena, Ace, Kiara, Mufasa, & Alice!
    "So baby take a axe to your makeup kit
    Set ablaze the billboards and their advertisements
    Love with all your hearts and never forget
    How good it feels to be alive
    And strive for your desire"

    -rx bandits

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I love the third one! He is just adorable. And, that first one, you'd think they hadn't eaten in weeks Nala looks so sad that you're making her wait so long for a treat. I want a new camera!!

    I did the right thing by setting you free
    But the pain is very deep.
    If only I could turn back time, forever, you I'd keep.
    I miss you

    I hear you whimper in your sleep
    I gently pet you and say, no bad dreams
    It will be alright, to my dog as dark as night.

    Fur as dark as the night.
    Join me on this flight.
    Paws of love that follow me.
    In my heart you'll forever be.

    How I wish I could hold you near.
    Turn back time to make it so.
    Hug you close and never let go.

  7. #7
    Those are really good videos! How did you teach Simba to "Sit Pretty"? I would like to teach Holly to do that.

    Your new camera is really nice! I would like to get a new one sometime. I like the one I have, I've only had it a year, but I always said it was my "starter" camera, since it is my first digital camera. I like the quality of the pictures it takes and the quality of how they print also, but I don't like the shutter speed and there is no way to adjust it. So I have missed some good action shots of Holly. I also would like to get one that takes videos.
    Oh well, maybe that would be a good item to put on my Christmas wish list.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Riding my bike somewhere...
    Thanks you two.

    I taught Simba "sit pretty" by helping him a bit at first.

    First I'd put his paws up on my arm, while saying "sit pretty" or "pretty" and help him get his balance with that.... I did that for a while so he'd get used to balancing.
    He'd start putting his paws up by himself when I stuck my arm out for him, so I'd quickly pull my arm away so he would balance on his own.

    Warning though... arms get scratch quickly with a dog who's hyper for treats.

    This is my third digital camera.

    ~Kay, Athena, Ace, Kiara, Mufasa, & Alice!
    "So baby take a axe to your makeup kit
    Set ablaze the billboards and their advertisements
    Love with all your hearts and never forget
    How good it feels to be alive
    And strive for your desire"

    -rx bandits

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Southern California
    Awwww.. those were adorable!

    Hehe.. I got to hear you in the videos.

    Smart pups you have. My favorite was the third one as well.

  10. #10
    Those are great Kay! When Simba was talking Lacey ran to the back door to see where this dog was! ha ha Mandy just came into the room with me to check it out! I think sometimes Lacey says no (that wouldn't be hard to believe coming from her) And I used to have a dog that said mama!
    Forever in my heart...

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2004

    To Cute!!

    Those were too cute! I loved them!! Jada was in here with me while I was looking at them and she stood up on the arm of the chair and got right up to the computer screen and she was tilting her head back and forth watching and listening to the dogs. My other dog Diamond went running outside thinking the dogs were out there. It was so funny.

    Here is a pictre of Jada watching me when I was on the computer.
    Its not the best picture in the world. I really need to get a digital camera!!
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  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    These are sooooo cute!!!

    I like the "I Love You" one the best..

    Simba has beautiful eyes, and Nala is such a pretty girl.

    Thanks for sharing, Kay.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Middle TN, United States
    Kay, the videos are just wonderful! I loved watching Simba doing his tricks. You have so much patience! I got to hear your voice, you have a beautiful voice.

    Wow, Nala is great with that trick, when you told her okay, I don't think she even let the treat hit the floor, she had it before it even got half way to the floor!

    What a smart pair you have.

    I am so glad you got you a new camera, I bet you are proud of it too, aren't you. It does really good with videos!

    Thanks for sharing the great videos, I really enjoyed them and got my smile for the day!

    Now, when do we get to see pictures? I want to see some pictures of the twosome!


    Thank You, kittycats_delight for my new siggy!!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Those were great videos! The sound makes alot better too! Simba and Nala are soooo smart! The second you said "Okay" Nala just gobbled the treat right up!

    Major know's Double Shake which is kind of the same thing, but he uses my hands for support. Do you think I could teach him sit pretty? Or do you think he would lose his balance and fall backwards?

    -thank you Poppy for the avatar.

    R.I.P. Hanson. You will never be forgotten, and we await the day to see you once again. The imprint you left on my heart will never fade - your big beautiful brown eyes, your big soggy kisses...

  15. #15
    Those were great!

    I had Elvis on my lap when I was veiwing the "I love you" one with Simba. Elvis just looked at me, and started licking the speaker. haha!

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