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Thread: More kid traditions

  1. #1

    More kid traditions

    SHEESH - am I waxing sentimental or what? Maybe too many Chicken Soup book? Maybe it is because my first grandchild is about to be born...whatever

    I just thought of SEVERAL fun and funny things that I did with my kids when they were small and wonder what some of you moms and kids might remember doing as well.

    First was potty training My first two were boys and we had two great games that made it funner and easier!! One was "sink the ship" - float a piece of toilet paper in the water, aim fire and sink the ship!!!

    Second was "bubbles" - put a squirt of dish soap in the bowl - aim, fire and make bubbles!!!!

    Now anyone afraid of monsters in the dark??? Several of my small children decided there were monsters in the bedroom. I would spary "monster spray" in the room. (It was cologne ) As long as they could smell it, they were safe. A few minutes of deep breathing and they were fast asleep.

    OH! One more! When they had trouble sleeping and needed one more kiss. I would kiss their hand and have them close their fist to hold it inside. If they needed a kiss later or when they woke up, the kiss would still be in their fist!!

    Anyone else???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Montana USA
    This will be an intresting thread.
    Potty training of boy .We had floating candles you had to aim and put it out. I kept lomng tongs and a bucket of bleach and a huge supply of candles.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Olympic Peninsula,Washington
    I don't have Skin Kids of my own, but I took care of someone elses, (5 kids all under the age of 7, the twins were the last!!) with all 4 of the boys I used Cheerios or Froot Loops for Sink the Ship. I also got some books like, Everyone Poops (My Body Science). They worked well.

    Never thought about using soap! Sirrahbed, you are Brilliant! (Tiny Bubbles...)

    I was potty trained with books. I'd sit in there for hours with this huge stack of books even if I didn't have to go... Unfortunately, to the day I still have to read something to go!

  4. #4
    Originally posted by LoudLou
    Everyone Poops (My Body Science).
    ROFLOL! There is actually a book called "Everyone Poops"?? I gotta have it!!! (for my grandchild of course)
    ~the roving toilet reporter

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Middle TN, United States
    Debbie, that just sounds so cute and sweet! LOL, I'll have to suggest that to my kids if they decide to have more children!

    Hmmm, monster spray, great idea!

    I will have to think of some of the things that my kids and I did, but I'll be back!

    This is going to be a great thread! Great idea, Debbie!


    Thank You, kittycats_delight for my new siggy!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Olympic Peninsula,Washington
    Originally posted by sirrahbed
    ROFLOL! There is actually a book called "Everyone Poops"?? I gotta have it!!! (for my grandchild of course)
    ~the roving toilet reporter

    Some more great books... Amazon or any other book store should have'em.... Uh Oh! Gotta Go!: Potty Tales from Toddlers
    by Bob McGrath, Shelley Dieterichs .... Koko Bear's New Potty: A Practical Parenting Read-Together Book (Lansky, Vicki. Practical Parenting Read-Together Book.)
    by Vicki Lansky, Jane Prince ..... The Boys liked Pop-Up books - What Do You Do With A Potty? An Important Pop-up Book
    by Marianne Borgardt, Maxie Chambliss

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    edmonds, wa
    Originally posted by LoudLou
    , Everyone Poops (My Body Science). They worked well.

    OMG! i had that book too! actually my brother had it (he's 4 years younger than me) and i thought it was soooo funny! lol

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