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Thread: Has your cat ever....

  1. #1
    Former User Guest

    Has your cat ever....

    ...played a joke on you? Shame on me, I stole this idea from the dog forum but still, would be fun to know if our cat friends do that too!

    Casper and Kitty are masters on fooling us. They pretend that there's something under the couch, and they get us to lift the couch, only to find out there was nothing

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    Three of my cats like to hide under the bed and grab at my feet as I walk by. Braydee likes to run right in front of me when I'm walking - seems like he'd like to trip me. It's kinda scary when I'm getting ready to walk down the stairs. One day I was walking down the stairs with two full litter boxes and one of my cats ran in front of me on my way down the stairs - I tripped, but was able to grab onto the railing. I slid butt first all the way down the stairs, but not one drop of litter was spilt. I had a pulled muscle in my arm for holding onto the railing and a bruised butt but at least the litter stayed in the pans. WHEW

  3. #3
    Former User Guest
    godness me luckily nothing serious happend! And the litter stayed in the box

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    LOL LOL You guys are a riot!!! Yeah, my Marius likes to do that intense stare at...lord knows what. I swear there's nothing there. I think you've uh...let the cat out of the bag C & K!! The secret has been revealed!! There IS nothing there!!! ha ha ha
    Purrley, your Braydee sounds just like my Marius!! He loves to try and 'trip' me or get underfoot. It drives me nuts because I don't want to step on him...or trip on him down the stairs!! Wow, no litter spilt?!! Better reflexes then me!! I'm glad that nothing serious happened and that you're ok! I know how bad it can be to fall down the stairs. I actually fell down the stairs a couple of weeks ago (and it wasn't even because of my cat!!) and I hit my head. My neck hurt for quite some time. It's still a little stiff, but getting better! That just goes to show I shouldn't attempt to go upstairs in the morning when I first wake up to water my plants!!

  5. #5
    Former User Guest
    Another master work from those two is, when we're giving them food...We walk with the food dishes to their eating place, and they just walk right infront of us. If you don't look where you're stepping, you'll end up being all over the floor, probably with cat food all over you. And Casper and Kitty looking proud around you. That hasn't happened yet, but that day will come, we know our little 'monsters'

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Southern California
    My gray kitty Squee (Rainbow Bridge) used to sit in my gray computer chair - but at the very back of the seat in the shadows. So even if I checked, I still couldn't tell he was there. Then I'd sit down and feel this warm wiggly thing by my butt - EEEEEK!!!

    Fortunately, the shape of the chair and the shape of me let Squee fit right into the safe, if tight, space. He liked it there for some reason, but would let me know it was time to move with his claws!!!! OUCH!!!
    "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened" - Anatole France

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2001
    I find that Ritz often just sits somewhere in the same room, very still, and just stares at us...reminds me of Eddie the dog on the Frazier Crane show.

    "what on earth are those big wierd looking cats doing now?"
    "Everything is better when Ritz sits on it......or in it"

  8. #8
    likes to play tricks on my wife, Cindy.

    He used to wait until she was walking down the hall and come running up behind her. He would jump into the air and put all four paws out in front, crashing into the middle of the calf of her trailing leg just as she would take the weight off of that foot. He would do this once or twice a day.

    One day he got it just right. He hit her right leg as she was moving it forward. He pushed that leg out in front of her far enough that she could not stop the momentum. The left foot lost traction and started forward as well. Result, Cindy got dumped on her butt right in the middle of the hallway with loud crash!

    She was mad! It upset her so much that she just sat there crying. I asked her if she was hurt and through the sobs she said that she was OK. She just kept crying. lamoni peeked out of the bedroom sheepishly. When Cindy saw him she began to WAIL. She sounded like a two year old with diaper rash that just had it pacifier snatched.

    Lamoni responded by coming up to her and rubbing against her. When she did not stop crying, he got in her lap and rubbed her face with his face. Cindy stopped crying and hugged him. He never did it again.

    The game that he still plays with her is "find me". He will meow at Cindy and wait until she bends down to pet him. Then hewalks around behind her and meows again. She turns around and he walks behind her again and meows. When she gets frustrated enough to yell at him, he walks off purring loudly, swishing that huge tail from side to side, and grinning from ear to ear.

    You see, Cindy is blind and Lamoni knows it. He is one smart cat.

    [ November 20, 2001: Message edited by: BigCharles ]

    Charles Kincaid


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