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Thread: Cat Games

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2001

    Cat Games

    My cat,shadow, loves playing with paper balls and strings.
    it's true that strings are very dangerous for your pet but if your careful nothing bad will happen to it.

    Cats also like thinks that make noise!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    MA, USA
    They say, the cat's can swallow them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Vancouver, Washington, U.S.A
    They do say that cats swallow them, but if he was not alone when he was playing with them then it's fine! Just make sure he dosen't try to eat them.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Milan, Italy
    When I was really young my firstcat almost died when she swallowed a piece of string she managed to pull from one of my dolls. Luckily my mother realised it and no real harm was done. Now my cats can only play with ribbons and strings under my strict supervision.

    The worst are elastic bands. I hide every one in sight but those pest seem to find them anyway. Prema is the worst, if she finds one she starts running all over the place holding it firmly in her mouth, and that little monster is almost impossible to catch.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Weston-super-Mare, England
    The cat I had when I was a child swallowed tinsel off the christmas tree. $800 and a painful surgery later, we decided that we wouldn't be using tinsel any more!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    I saw this in the news and thought it was quite the computer world is going to the cats as well!!! LOL

    "'Quake' for kitties"
    When the overindulged (and under-stimulated) feline in your life has
    grown bored with catnip, you might want to turn on your computer. A
    software developer has created a game that he says provides an
    all-day incentive for housebound kitties to get off the sofa. The
    software includes 11 virtual kitty treats, including helpless little
    birds, dangling spiders and a furry mouse, that dart around the
    computer screen. The victims either move on their own as part of the
    program's screensaver mode or are manipulated by the cat's owner.
    This $20 game is "a totally immersing experience" says the creator --
    at least by feline standards.


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