Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 14:28
To: [email protected]
Subject: [Lost_and_Found_Dogs_and_Cats] Begging For Help In Jonesboro, Georgia

I know some of you have likely seen my recent posts about the Newf mix
missing in Jonesboro, Georgia. It has been over 4 weeks now and he has
not been found. I received an email this morning from someone telling
me they lost a dog in the Atlanta area and found him just 8 days
later. They said upon the dog's disappearance, they posted some
150 "lost dog" signs all over the area and almost immediately began
receiving phone calls which eventually helped them track down the dog.
Because the adoptive family lives in New York and I am in Illinois, we
were not able to do this for Max, although we would have if we lived
in Jonesboro.

We are begging anyone in the Jonesboro, Georgia area to please help
look for this dog. If nothing else, please volunteer to make up signs
and post them all over the area letting everyone know Max is missing.
Only a very few signs have been posted because we don't have anyone to
help with them.

All the authorities have been contacted (multiple times), messages are
regularly posted to online lost and found web sites and rescue mailing
lists, ads have been placed in local newspapers and in a major Atlanta
newspaper (both online and in print), individual pleas have gone out
to people in the area who are not even involved with animals just to
try to cover all the bases.

More information, a picture, a map, and who to contact can be found on
my web site:

We had the help of a few very generous, caring people who tried
looking for Max and posted some signs. Being unfamiliar with the
Jonesboro area, they were not sure where to look. They went over and
above what we expected in searching for Max, but became disheartened
at not having a clue as to where to go next. We are most grateful to
them for volunteering their time.

There are folks who are keeping their eyes open for Max, but what is
desperately needed is for people who reside in the area to actually
look for Max and/or post signs all over the place, the way the people
did in Atlanta for the dog they were seeking. It has been suggested
that a trap be set for Max in the area where he was last seen. We
would gladly like to do that, but we have no one to physically take
care of this.

This is one of the most heartbreaking situations concerning an animal
I have ever come across. I don't want Max to die alone and frightened
because no one cared to look for him, much less post signs. Please
help find Max. If you can't, please say a prayer for him.

Thank you.

Trudie Davidson
newf_mix_rescue @ (remove spaces)