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Thread: Very odd!

  1. #1

    Very odd!

    Cubby was laying down taking a nap, every now and then I go in and lay down with him so I can get some lovings from him. Well today I went in he of course was laying there with his eyes open, so I moved him over so I could lay down. He meowed at me, then he wanted to get comfy again so he kept meowing at me. So I lifted up the blankets because he likes to sleep under there. He he would do the little meow with his mouth closed. Every time I would move or every time he would move to lay down next to me he would do this. If I would touch his head he would cry then after I keep petting him he would keep purrring then start kneeding where ever on me he could. He is kind of worring me. He plays normal, eats normal potty's normally. And so on the only thing differant is he crys when ever I tough him at first then he's happy kitty. I am not worred to the point to take him to the vet. I'm just curious if anyone elses cat has gone through this?


    P.S. He is also done missing me, he is back to his old self except for what is written above.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Kirkland, WA
    I am so sorry to hear that he is no longer the extreme cuddle bug that he was when you first got back.

    It sounds like he may just be meowing to say hi or something. If he was hurt, I would expect him to not let you to continue to pet in a certain are. I would just watch him and see what happens, maybe it is just a new habbit. It could also be that he is just still a little freaked from you leaving and it may subside over time. You are a good cat Meowmie and I know that you will call the vet if you think anything is wrong.

    Mine will do the short meow sometimes when I go to pet them. It is not every time however. Joey does it the most and I think she is just saying you can pet me, but don't you dare pick me up.

    Let us know what happens.
    Bob & Joey,
    and their happy and willing slave, Bryan.

    Many Thanks to Kay for the Picture.

    My motto - "Bad Spellers of the World, UNTIE!!!!"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Middle of Germany
    Well, everytime a cat displays changes in its behavior we should try to find out why this is.

    Sometimes it's just that they change their habits, for example mine would sleep in my bed for months, then decide to sleep only in the living room for the next couple of weeks.

    How did the meowing sound? Maybe he just wanted to talk to you? As CatDad has said, it could be just a change in his habit, but to be on the safer side, maybe you could call your vet and ask him about it?

    Please let us know if Cubby continues doing that.


  4. #4
    I honestly think he might be just trying to talk to me. He isn't showing any signs of pain at all or he would have been at the vets office. I know he changes on a week to week basis. I'm not sure if I was just annoying him or what. He hasn't done it since I got up. He could very well have been trying to talk to me. Of course he did try to rip my skin off trying to give me a bath. Could he have been trying to tell me that I am not clean to his standards? Lol. (He has never cleaned his self like a normal cat.) Only my cat would be like this. I think already he is worth his weight in silver with all the vet visits he's had to have. He also has anxiety attacks. Of which the vet couldn't recommend anything because of his attitude and behavior and all of his other problems. Maybe he just needs a cat shrink or something. Lol.Thank you for your advice I really appreciate it.



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