I know that for most dogs this would not mean a thing, but for Pacer it's huge.

Pacer is our newest foster dog. He's been with us for close to a month now, after spending a year in the shelter. He's extremely timid, but rapidly coming out of his shell. He spends his nights in our porch for a number of reasons--he has no coat yet and it's bloody cold here, I don't fully trust him with the cats yet and it doesn't matter if he pees in there (although, he hasn't had an accident yet!)

Anyhoo, this morning, I went into the porch to take him outside and he leapt up and starting doing a full body wag--unusual in and of itself as this is not a happy dog. Then as I was giving him his morning lovings, he LICKED me! My first Pacer kiss...actually I think the first kiss Pacer has ever given anyone!