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Thread: Where Is It?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2000

    Where Is It?

    Here is a poem to share & pass on.

          WHERE IS IT?
          by Molly Biehl © 2001
          Critter Haven Jr. Youth Coordinator

          In the cold dark prison he cries
          As his little sister dies.
          She is the last of his kin,
          One by one they got so thin.

          And now he feels so weak today...
          The man who feeds them walked away.
          "This one can't's too weak"
          And despite that no kind words did he speak.

          So slowly he is wasting away,
          Sitting in his prison every day.
          Where is this horrible, horrible place?
          Some faraway country? what a disgrace!

          And who are these people locked away tight?
          With no food or water and no strength to fight?
          People? It happens to the least of our kind
          They can't talk or fight, all they have is their mind.

          And the places, where many are locked away still
          It's right in your country - it's a puppymill.

            Permission to reprint -
    Please include author's name and
    affiliation and Copyright insignia.
            Stop the Horror of Puppymills

    We have some of these places in Oz, too. They're called 'Puppy Farms' here. Our state, Qeensland, passed laws only yesterday that are going to make it easier for the animal welfare authorities to hunt out places like that & close them down. These laws will also make it more difficult for the puppyfarmers to set up in the first place.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    though that poem brings tears to my is most valid...and i believe the only way to stop these mills is to raise awareness...thank you...the deli dog
    The Deli Dog

    I want to Honor All of Our Rainbow Bridge Furkids

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Oh no... i didn't even know such things existed... how could this happen?? Why would people refuse to feed a hungry dog? Why would anyone deliberately do that? Is there anything I can do to get these kind of places to close down?
    I think I own my dog, but it owns my heart and home

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    Sickening... just sickening.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Eudora, there are some places which raise lots of puppies to be sold in petshops or exported to other countries. Sometimes not much care is given to the animals because the main aim is to profit by making money. In those cases, conditions & vet care for the dogs & puppies may be very poor. These places are called puppymills in the US & puppy farms in Australia. Animal welfare authorities try to track down the places that don't care for their animals & rescue the poor things. So it's important to have laws that allow the authorities to do this.
    Pet lovers can help by asking to see where puppies they are buying in petshops have been born & raised.


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