I went out to another local rescue on Saturday to visit and see her set-up. She mostly takes in dogs, but has recently started taking in kittens. She told me that she wasn't very knowledgeable about cats, so I am helping her learn. When I visited her kennel, I found a tiny kitten who was very sick. I offered to bring it home and see if I could save it ... although I wasn't too sure.

This kitten (who happens to look like my Tucker) was very dehydrated, had terribly matted eyes, and I later discovered a sore tongue. No wonder this baby wasn't eating / drinking! The lady who took this baby in, had dewormed it earlier that day. The kitten has now been passing long stringy worms.... yet another "good" reason for it to feel bad!

I gave the baby subcue fluids, and have been giving it antibiotics and terramycin for it's eyes ..... along with Nutri-cal dietery supplement and bottle feeding it kitten milk. It did finally seem to enjoy some tuna (of course ) but I am trying to get it to eat some soft can kitten food.

Here are a few pics of baby "Barnaby" ... Please pray that this baby will survive!!!