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Thread: I'm not moving fast enough

  1. #1

    I'm not moving fast enough

    I need to rant really bad or I'll go nuts!!

    I don't know how much more of this yelling I can take. Rob's mom just wont shutup!! She yelling about everything, she's the king & were scum under her shoe. She keeps acting like we treat her like crap when its really the otherway round. We hide in our rooms all day long & only comeout to feed & potty & leave for work or school. She keeps going on how I can't care for my turtle cause hes a turtle & I should get rid of him cause I can't care for him... which is BS!! She's the one who wont care for the 2 dogs & cat & all 3 r hers, shes the only person who wants the 3 animals, but refuses to clean the litter box, I HAVE TO DO IT!! & if I don't I can't breath nor sleep cause the smell comes into my bedroom & I'm heavely allergic to cat doo doo & wee wee, not to mention the cat its self. She'll be sitting at her filthy computer (its covered in ashes & food bits & smells really gross) & the door is maybe 10-15 feet away from her at the most... but NOOOOOO she'll scream bloody murder for someone (who is normally sleeping or hiding in their room) else to let her dogs out & all shes doing is playing stupid slot games!!! She gets the dog barking at 6:30 am everymorning that rob had to work at night & has only been sleeping 1-2 hrs prior. & she doesn't give a rats @$$ either!! Rob hardly ever uses her car, maybe once every 2ed week & puts on less then 60KM (going to work & back) & she'll bloody murder cause he used all her gas!! She makes him put $20.00 in it every time he touches her car, so he does everything her can to use his dads car & he always but gas in it when it needs it ALWAYS!! Shes always calling rob stupid & a B@$T@RD for no reason at all, she doesn't stop yelling at him & hes starting to go a little crazy.

    I hope we can move out to Newfoundland really soon, cause we'll be taking Tom (rob's younger bro, my age, 20) & we arn't giving them our address, phone number, NOTHING... & we are taking everything that we own, like the vcr's, tv's, entertainment's wires, speekers, all 200+ movies, phones, radios, chairs, 3 computers, & everything we don't want we'll be ging it to my dad so he can have fun with it, since he's not crazy

    I hope it'll be this May & not Sept were moving... cause I don't think we can last much longer...

    Thank you all for letting me rant, I feel much better
    I'm stressed out by alot of things right now
    -Finals r coming up in a couple weeks & then I'll be finished College
    -Work is too busy, worse the xmas
    -rob's mom yelling none stop
    -trying to make enough money so we can rent a UHaul truck to move
    -I'm learning to drive & I've only driven 3 times in my life & my teacher says I'm too good to be true & want s me to take my G2 test in 2 more drives (the only time I can drive is with the instructer cause no one will let me drive the cars/truck), I'm really nervous about the test
    -I have to many school assignments to do its not even funny
    -so far I can't graduate cause the school has screwed up on one of my courses & we have to fix it ASAP but he's not showing up & I'm getting really upset about that
    -I REALLY NEED MY DOG RIGHT NOW!! & I love rob so much more now cause he said Max can move in with us to Newfoundland since I'll be home alone all the time & Max is my ummm lets call him my stress retreaver Max always knows how to unstress me... thats why dad got Max for me (I use to run away alot when I was younger & --------- not saying) & Max saved me from bad depression, hes my best buddy ever

    WOW 2 rants in one... Now I'm crying & my head hurts again so I'm gonna stop ranting before I go blind & my head explodes

  2. #2
    I have no idea what to tell you, but hope that by venting it helps. Sounds like you need a good nights rest too. I hope you can move soon and get out of that stressful situation. You can't control Robs mom so the only thing you can do is get away from it. You said before she didn't take her medication like she should. Hope Tuesday is a better day.

  3. #3
    thanks, its one more day closer to freedom thats how I see tomorrows

  4. #4
    Oh poor you !! it is no fun having people yelling at you, hey!! Try to make the best of, come to PT to vent as much as you like, and DREAM about a gorgeous future with no yelling "persons" around you!

    Hang in there!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Minnesota, United States
    I would go nuts.....

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