Please encourage folks to nominate their special friends, we need new nominations. I am dealing with a hard drive issue, so will be offline for a bit this afternoon. (Driving it to Cambridge, wish me luck.)
Please encourage folks to nominate their special friends, we need new nominations. I am dealing with a hard drive issue, so will be offline for a bit this afternoon. (Driving it to Cambridge, wish me luck.)
I've Been Frosted
Today's pets are up, sorry so late folks.
I've Been Frosted
Thanks, Karen! No apologies necessary.
I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.
-- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery
Our beloved and wise Sandra (tatsxxx11) made a suggestion, and I am going to follow it, despite initially rejecting it.
Today's Dog, Cat and Pet of the Day are up, late but up. But they will also be tomorrow's featured pets all day, so will have a day and a half of fame. December 12 into the 13th, and it seemed the best day for it, as some building skip floor #13 on their elevator buttons.
Then I will endeavor to prep things so the sites can again be updated in the morning, as they used to be, and do so going forward.
Besides my own recent hospitalization, we have been dealing with an unexpected death in the extended family, it being very very busy at the Post Office, where I am now working, and financial issues. So thinks got more and more behind. And also, we are getting fewer nominations, sadly.
I am glad to report that the hard drive which seemed to be dying has been completely recovered. Bless Paul, who all those years ago, purchased a Raid Array hard drive for me - which is several drives in one case. So only one drive had issues, and they were able to replace that one, and white the data to the other paired drives.
That necessitated my driving to Boston and back last Sunday. And I will be doing so tomorrow to retrieve the drive and 20+ years of photos, memories, etc., some of which was backed up, but some not.
Thanks for your support everyone. I am sorry for my failings, but am trying.
Hug someone you love today, as tomorrow is not promised.
I've Been Frosted
{{{{HUGS}}}}} and ~~~~PURRRS~~~~ andto YOU, Karen!
From Pat and Sparkler and Galaxy
I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.
-- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery
Thank you, Karen.
This is still my favorite site, and things will pick up again!
Willa (5/1/1997-3/17/2018)
Hi Karen, how are things coming with this? Sandra's suggestion is excellent.
Why don't you continue to prepare the new pages in the afternoon or whenever works best for you. Take whatever time you need, and then wait until the following morning to post them. Do it first thing when you get up, and then that's done!
That way each animal has a full calendar day that's his/hers. (And for myself, it works better for me to work on my responses about the new ones during the mornings.)
Thanks, and we are sending our best wishes wishes with it!
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} and ~~~~PURRRS~~~~ andfrom Pat and Sparkler and Galaxy
I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.
-- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery
Thank you. I did that once, but fell back into the rhythm of getting them done in the afternoon after emergency trips to Boston for computer issues. Perhaps I will try again. I have been working on trying to get them up earlier each day, but do not always manage it, due to life's complicating factors. They were up today by 3 pm, but again, my apologies.
I've Been Frosted
Here sorry for being annoying im too interested and have spent way to much time to get in contact with u karen. i saw a post u made back in 2006 and saw u were still active and i have way to many questions! heres a post a saw
Miss Z's AvatarMiss Z Miss Z is offline ad iudicium Join Date Sep 2005 Location At university in Hertfordshire, UK Posts 4,944 Keep an eye on her, I don't think wax is digested that easily. As long as she's not eaten too much then it'll probably just pass out her system, but if she does show any sign of discomfort get her to a vet immediately. There is a possibility that it could cause a blockage in her digestive system if she's eaten a lot, but it's unlikely if she only ate a bit. I hope she's OK, I would feel terrible if something like that happened to my rattie Tia. Please keep us updated on how she is doing. BTW, there is a ppet general and pet health sub forum which would have been better to post this in Zimbabwe 07/13 Reply With QuoteReply With Quote Multi-Quote This Message
it was a post regarding rats eating candle wax im just wondering how u even got here or started this website?
I also have another question asking where paul went because he has not been active since 2015.
sorry its really random im just interested because u made this post the year i was born!
This website is one my husband Paul and I started - Pet of the Day, back on September 1, 1997.
The forum was added in 2000 because people wanted to chat about the pets, dogs and cats featured on the homepage and grew from there to be what you see now.
Paul died suddenly on May 4, 2015. I miss him every day.
I've Been Frosted
I will not be updating the pets today, but will have them up early tomorrow, I promise! Farmer's Market time - just a few more Fridays left in the season.
I've Been Frosted
What's the latest with Mr. Bean? Is he back home now?
Hopes and prayers and good wishes and warm energies that all is well!
I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
Death thought about it.
CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.
-- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery
He was spotted at the Jamaica VT state park, so we asked a person we know, Court, to go get him, as Kermit was running an errand in Northern Vermont, and I was working at the Post Office. I have not heard from him since them so do not know what Court found or saw. We have decided if he catches him, to give him to Court, as he is with someone who has female goats.
I've Been Frosted
As I am sure most of you expect, I need to get down to Farmer's Market, and will have to update the sites tomorrow.
So sorry folks, not enough hours in the day, but at least all the animals and birds are happy!
I've Been Frosted
Today's fabulous Dog, Cat and Pet of the Day are up!
I've Been Frosted
Copyright © 2001-2013 Pet of the