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Thread: Please help prospective novice cat owner - Me!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    North Wales, UK.

    Please help prospective novice cat owner - Me!

    After giving getting a cat some serious thought I decided to go to the cat shelter today. Some were already reserved, including a real sweet grey one, but there were still a few on view. I found the criteria of a cat that would happily live indoors and get on with dogs was a bit difficult to fill.
    There was only one that was already an indoor cat but it was very doubtful that he would tolerate a dog, one other possibility, Clover, a black and white cutie full of purrs and head butts, got on well with dogs but they were sure would not take to being a house cat. It was while I was holding Clover that the girl came back and asked, "How about having two cats?"
    To cut a long story short, there are a two seven month old littermates called Suki and Suzi up for adoption but right then they were out at the vets along with some of the other cats getting their shots, check-ups etc. They think that as they are not used to being outside they will be fine to be indoor cats and also that being young they should get on okay with my dog. So I am going back tomorrow morning, God willing, to meet them and, of course, for them to meet me.

    Ok, Pet Talkers, that is the background, now for the questions
    Just one I think for now. Do you think I will be doing the right thing in adopting them given my absolute zero experience of living with cats?

    (got to tell you that I already got two littertrays and some food bowls, and been to talk with David, who delivers my pet stuff, and arranged delivery of food and stuff if I do decide the answer is yes. Although, even if it is I doubt if I will be able to take them home until next week..... guess you can tell how excited I am getting! LOL)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Southern California
    Don't be afraid!! Twelve years ago, I adopted my first ever cat, picked with the help of a friend, and I haven't looked back. You have covered just about every question - except how about your dog? How will the dog deal with the cat? Likely the answer is JUST FINE!

    Getting two kitties is no more work, in my opinion, than having one. But you will definitely have twice the fun and love.

    Adding a family member of any flavor always brings questions, but don't be worried - if those two little sisters work their magic on your heart, then go for it!

    Best holiday wishes to you and your growing family!
    "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened" - Anatole France

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Cats are very easy to take care of because they will be SURE to tell you if you do anything wrong

    I think its a great idea to get a cat, and an even better idea to get TWO! Thanks for going to the shelter instead of a breeder

    That surprises me they have so many outdoor cats there

    Expect the kitties to be scared at first of the new environment and of the dog. But they will come around. Give them a place to hide (under a bed, a covered box, etc) and they will come out and explore as they start to feel comfortable. Be sure to put their food and water and litter box near where their hiding place is. But they also might not even need to hide!
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Oakville, Ontario, Cda
    I think it's wonderful that you're adopting not just one but two! They sound like they probably get along well together, so that's half the battle. You'll have to give them lots of love, and don't forget to give your dog extra lovin' (try not to scold him too much if he acts up when you get the kitties home).
    Good luck, God bless you all.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    North Wales, UK.
    Thanks to you all for your encouraging posts. I have to admit I am a little scared! lol. I have had loads of experience with dogs but cats are whole new area for me. We did have a cat when I was young, his name was Scobie (and we had a Jack Russell dog, named Lester, at the same time too) but it is so-o-o long ago. besides they were my Mums pets really and she took the most care of them.

    aly - it was no surprise to me that most of the cats are outdoor, or maybe I should say indoor/outdoor, it is the norm in this country for cats to be left to roam at will. For example, in my corner of our block alone, there are six indoor/outdoor cats. I know most of my cat owning nieghbours most likely will be of the opinion that I am weird or cruel, or maybe even both to want to keep a cat indoors! Having said that, the idea is becoming more and more popular, slowly maybe but getting there.

    TheAntiPam - how my dog will be does worry me a little, I think he will be ok, he seems to be more curious than anything about the cats that come in our garden, he has never got close enough to check them out though because they have always run off, as cats do, then he runs after them as dogs do!

    Thanks again everyone. As Arnie said, "I`ll be Back"! I will have loads more questions for you and I have an idea you are all going to be groaning `oh, not again!` when you see my posts appear!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Oh I didn't realize you were in the UK

    Well I'm glad you're going against the norm and having indoor only cats. They will be much safer that way!!

    Good luck!!!!!
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    ChrisH I am so excited that you are going to get not one but two cats!
    You have been a great dog mom and bird mom, I am sure you will do fine as a cat mom as well! I think cats are easier to care for than dogs and you already know how to care for a dog.
    About the indoor only thing, it will be easier if they are young but have you looked into leash training the cats or do you have a fenced in yard for Bob that the cats would be safe in under your supervision? Those are two choices to consider in case they are not happy as indoor only cats.
    I would suggest when you first introduce Bob to the cats have him on a leash or in his kennel until you know what his reaction will be to them. I am sure other pet talkers who own both dogs and cats can help you with more advice on how to introduce them.
    Please tell us more about Suki and Suzi. What color or breed are they? Do they resemble any pet talk pets? I am so excited for you! Don't worry about asking too many questions, pet talkers are here because that is what we like to do, talk and talk and talk about our pets!
    RIP sweet Samantha

    Milly & Izzy

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Stockport. England
    Wow Chris - great news!! Two baby furkids no less. I'm sure they will be good indoor cats being so young - just ignore whatever your neighbours say!! They'll get on so well with the dog I expect most youong cats I've known have no problem with dogs - it's when they get a bit older and 'set in their ways' and if they are upset at first - they'll come round in time - don't worry.
    Is the dog a great big softy? They normally adore cats.
    Let us know how things progress - keeping fifngers crossed here for you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    North Wales, UK.
    Vermontcat - my yard is fenced/hedged and keeps Bob in but I know the cats would be able to get out, the neighbourhood cats get in easy enough! lol. I have seen cat leashes for sale and have thought about it briefly, but I am not too sure on that one...oh, to have some cash and be able to make one of those real cat escapeproof gardens... thanks for the advice about introducing Bob, I was wondering about how to do that.
    Lynne, I wouldn`t call Bob a big softie, but he is good natured and friendly. He is, however, quite an excitable dog in play and greeting and that is a bit worrying.

    I haven`t actually seen Suki and Suzi yet so I can`t describe them, I have been told they are black and white but in what proportion I don`t know. All being well I will see them tomorrow and be able to decribe them properly....

    I am getting a little scared here, it is a big responsibility I am taking on, I so want to do the best for them and Bob, and me. Is wanting them a good enough reason?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Independence, Kansas
    ChrisH, I do not think that you will regret getting your furkids, and kittens at that! Although I have never attempted to integrate cats and dogs, I have been very fortunate about judging a cat's nature in order to get along with other cats. All of mine get along with each other fairly well.

    When I adopeted Amy, my little tuxedo, she is somewhat of a loner, but affectionate when she wants to be. Since she was a street rescue, no one knew of her background. Last month I let her outside for a while, and I saw her playing with 2 of the neighbor's dogs! This is something that the animal shelter did not know about........her ability to get along with dogs!


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    I think you are worrying too much. Cats are really much easier than dogs. My father breeds/trains dogs, and I have been around them always. I now have six cats-and can say they are way way easier, even in numbers.

    If I might give you some starters, please be sure to confine the kitties to one room for 24 hours. Let them acclimate to the smells, the new surroundings, the sounds of your house,etc. It is helpful if the room you close them off in has some hidey places..the closet, underneath the bed. Although you will be so excited to interact with them, I would hold off on it for a little bit, again to let them acclimate.

    It also helps, if you have a permanent place for the litter box, to put it there NOW! That might mean you need two pans- one for the room you enclose them in, and one for the permanent spot, but, it is easier to litter train if at least one box is always in the same place! It is easier to get rid of the other box, to revert to a one litter pan house, if you can close off the one to the room, by shutting the door, and know the cats know they have one more pan..does that make sense?

    Remember, Bob may like the litter pan and the cat's food. So, being able to put the pan someplace Bob can't get to would be good. Same with the food.

    The kitties might cry the first several nights...Bob may be problematic for a few days, but, cats and dogs get along fine. I babysit my sister's shephard and rottie, and I have no problems with either.

    Good luck!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Yes, 2 cats are great!!! they will have each other and younger ones will adapt better to you, your home and your dog. I am also very glad that you plan to keep them indoors. I feel it is really a better option. I would add though that maybe more than 24 hours alone may be in order. You can tell by their amount of curiosity. Some need more time in a small area because a large area (an entire house) can be overwhelming. And introducing them to a resident pet should only be under supervision at first. You can always come here for answers to any questions. You'll get a lot of points of view. Can't wait to hear if you decide on them after you see them.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Chris, everyone is a novice cat owner at some point because at some point everyone has a 'first cat.' For me it happened later in life too - 1993 to be exact. Before that I had absolutely NO cat experience. I think the kittens will do just fine with Bob. They are young enough that they will grow up with him and not think anything of the fact that he is not 'one of them.' LOL! My question would be, how do you think Bob would be with them? I have read that certain breeds of dogs don't do well with cats. I remember reading that terriers, and particular Jack Russells, should be avoided in a kitty household. I don't know if there is any truth to that, but I just thought I'd pass it along. The article didn't mention spaniels at all but you would be the best judge because you know him best.

    My dogs were very interested in Trevor in the beginning which caused Trevor to do a lot of hiding, after all the ratio at the time was two of them to one of him! We only let them all mingle in the evenings when there was a lot of supervision and often Trevor would just run under the sofa if their interest in him was too intense. LOL! Eventually he got a little braver and now he is just fine.

    My only other comment would be to plan now where the litterbox will be. As mentioned in another thread, dogs enjoy the contents of litterboxes, as disgusting as that sounds. If you have a basement, as I do, you might like to install a cat door and keep the kittens' food and litterboxes down there. It works well here and the kitties can eat at their leisure without a dog breathing down their neck and they have some privacy when nature calls. Don't worry about asking questions. That's why we're here and it shows that you are a very responsible pet owner and thinking things through. I wish all people would do the same!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Ploss's Halfway House for Homeless Cats

    Before I got Mollie Rose over 8 years ago, I was CLUELESS about cats. What I would suggest is getting a book or going online and doing a little research on cats, their dispositions, care and upkeep, etc. The key is to gradually introduce the pets (dog/cats). I learned by experience. Then I joined a rescue organization and learned a whole lot more.

    Good luck in your quest for a happy pet household. Let us know how you make out. BTW, did you know that the average cat's care and feeding costs over $5,000 per year per cat?? And I've got 7!!!

    Rest In Peace Casey (Bubba Dude) Your paw print will remain on my heart forever. 12/02
    Mollie Rose, you were there for me through good times and in bad, from the beginning.Your passing will leave a hole in my heart.We will be together "One Fine Day". 1994-2009
    MooShoo,you left me too soon.I wasn't ready.Know that you were my soulmate and have left me broken hearted.I loved you like no other. 1999 - 2010See you again "ONE FINE DAY"
    Maya Linn, my heart is broken. The day your beautiful blue eyes went blind was the worst day of my life.I only wish I could've done something.I'll miss your "premium" purr and our little "conversations". 1997-2013 See you again "ONE FINE DAY"


  15. #15
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Melbourne, Australia
    Congratulations Chris! I can't add any more advice to what's already been said, so I'll just say that we brought two new furkittens home last week so if you have any questions along the way, feel free to PM me
    Nicole, Mini, Jasmine, Pickles, Tabasco, Schnaggles and Buffy

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