I just took this picture of Buddy and thought I'd post it here so you can see how wonderful he looks. He's put on weight and is VERY comfortable here now that he knows he's not going anywhere anymore. I don't have to use the Feliway much anymore and he's becoming more relaxed.

He's in his favorite spot, on the end table next to my futon where no one knows he's there, either doesn't care or can't be bothered. He still jumps all over the place, knocks things off of the counters and cabinets (the stuff Hal used to complain about constantly). My friend Irene has told me that since Buddy has been back with me, my spirits are up and I'm not as depressed as I was when he wasn't here.

Now for more pictures. These are my friends Dorothy and James Whalen. I met them when I was showing Ari at a cat show. Dorothy had 2 sphynxes that lived long lives and Anthony, the oldest one passed away from cancer. The other one went to the RB a year before him. I told her that Ari needs a home where he can get the undivided attention he needed, as he seemed to be a loner in my house. I couldn't have picked a better home!!!! She told me if I ever found a baby Sphynx for adoption to let me know. Well, she got her wish. Introducing the Whalen family including Xena Chlor Whalen. I wish I had adopted her sister. She was a hoot. But I know I've reached my limit.

We couldn't get over how tiny she looked in James' arms. And spoiled??? This baby has new baby shirts, a walking pouch that Dorothy can put her in for walks, a kitty stroller AND an actually bed shaped cat bed.

What a lucky little girl she is!!