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Thread: Pet Talk Contest??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah

    Pet Talk Contest??

    There was a thread about this awhile ago. I was wondering if anyone was still interested in a contest? These are my ideas (feel free to post your own)

    *Open to ANY type of pet
    *Funny pic contest
    *You can enter one pic of each pet you have
    *Prize is a gift certificate to Petsmart or Petco (even if you don't have one near you, I believe you can shop online)
    *Gift certificate prizes could be done different ways--either a few generous people could donate, or it could be $1 per person entering, something like that
    *If we did the $1 thing, people could also donate any extra they'd like (not required) which could go into some fund we could donate to an animal organization (vote on which one)
    *If people don't have scanners, they can mail their pics to people to scan for them (I would be willing to do this)
    *Since you can only vote for 10 at a time here, we'd have to split the pics up.....until all had been voted on, and the winners of each group of 10 would be voted on again, etc. until maybe 3 are chosen
    *Since not everyone knows how to get their picture onto Pet Talk, they can email their photos to me or others.....and will pick 10 at random and put them up

    Please reply to tell me whether you think this contest is a good idea or not, and what you would think would work the best. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Ohio, USA
    Ya, I wondered what ever happened with that, but now that I think of it, I think some folks didn't want to participate because everyone feels that their animals are #1, and don't want to be dissapointed.

    Huney, Bon & Simba-missed so very much
    Remembering all the Rainbow Bridge Pets

  3. #3
    I still think its a great idea. Its all in fun and everybodys dog is #1 to them. It would be fun just to see their pictures up on a contest.

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