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Thread: Teddy is our hero tonight

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!

    Teddy is our hero tonight

    (sorry this is so long)

    Teddy is a Shetland sheep dog who is attached to my mother. Well, Teddy, my mom and me have a game where I hide my mom some where like in a closet and I then return to Teddy and say Teddy find mommy and he will go in search of her till he finds her, the game once lasted an hour, my poor mother sitting in a closet reading for an hour LOL. Also Teddy thinks of us as his sheep and we can NEVER get lost. With that in mind here is our story..

    We went down to my grand parent’s "farm" They have no animals as to my grandmother animals are just a bother. They have a cow field though with barbwire all around. I asked my mom if we could go into the cow pasture and look for some milkweed. We left Teddy behind with my dad and Chewy was tied to a tree. Me my mother and my younger brother went in search of the milkweed. We went to the far right of the pasture and then crossed back over to the left and went up towards the river. Well, Teddy thought that us 3 "sheep" were lost somewhere in the big bad world and he felt the need to find us. Teddy followed my mom's scent, down towards the far right of the pastor. We spotted him down there and began to call his name, (you could tell he was following the scent because he nose was to the ground). He heard us yelling and came running as fast as his little old legs could bring him. When he found us he was so proud of himself. Of course we praised him like that was the greatest thing we had every seen. Well when we were done praising him it was back to business as he began to bark at us in a scolding voice and ran from person to person biting our shoes telling us how bad of sheep we are for getting lost. So we headed back up to the top of the pasture to get out of it. There was a pretty small opening to get out of the pasture and around the opening on the sides was barb wire. Well our lil Hero Teddy didn't see the barb wire and ran into twice. He hit his chest against it both times, it happened so fast we couldn’t stop him, we thought he was going to cut himself!!!!! Well when Teddy can't go threw something he tries to head but it and sure enough he lowers his head and begins to head towards it again, so I grab him by the scruff of his neck and pulled on him really hard and fast, which hurt him and shocked him so he began to bite me, but I feared that if I let him go to soon he would run into it again but this time faster so I didn't let him go till I got him on the other side of me so this time I could stop him. My mom carried him out and luckily he had no cuts on his chest or anywhere else. Well, everyone is safe and next time us bad sheep go wondering we will be sure to lock up the dog that always feels the need to find us.

    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  2. #2

    "Sheep" wiff *Handz* ??

    "...and shocked him so he began to bite me..."

    Teddy must not be used to the "Sheep" in his flock
    having *Hands* to grab wiff!

    NawTee Sheepz!!

    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Kansas, USA
    Gosh, I'm glad you grabbed Teddy. I've familiar with barbed wire and he could have been badly hurt by it. I hope your bites were not serious. I'm sure Teddy didn't mean to hurt you, he was just surprised. I hope you all had a good cuddle and are still best buds.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Haines, Alaska!
    Cinder and Smoke you guys are so funny! I never thought of it that way, I guess sheep wouldn't have hands to grab the dog! LOL

    momoffuzzyfaces - Teddy felt awfull after it and refused to come near me cause he knew what he did was bad. He even licked my hand to say he was sorry and licked over all my wonds. The dog bite wasnt' bad as Teddy only have 1 "fang" 2 front teeth and a couple in the back so really he gummed it! Although I do have scratch marks from his one fang tooth. I know Teddy didn't mean to, he is to sweet to purposely bite me. He is you know a big baby and loves his cuddles. And he did get extra ones tonight since he found us lost "sheep" and almost hurt him self.

    This isn't the first time Teddy has gotten lost up there. He once got worried about us kids and followed us down to this tunnel thign that goes under a hill. It scares him so he refuses to go in it so he went over the hill. It must of taken him awile as we never met up and a nice family saw him wondering the rocks in search for soemthing. So they swam across the river and brought him over and called us. My grandparents went to pick him up and he got to spend a extra night on the farm. Now accordign to him us sheep weren't at the farm when he came home so we got the biggest scolding of our lives because we ere lost all day and all night . Bad bad sheepies. He got lots of cuddles that night to. That was back when he was young though. I can't belive it though. My Teddy Bear is turning 11 september 21. He is so old. He is still a big baby at heart. And he loves the farm so much. He runs for like 4 hours straight where back home he doesn't run at all unless its away from Chewy.

    Dogs: Nova, Konnor and Sitka

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    AWWWW!!! Teddy sounds so sweet. How wonderful that he cares so much about you guys. I'm glad the bites are not bad.
    ~Kimmy, Zam, Logan, Raptor, Nimrod, Mei, Jasper, Esme, & Lucy Inara
    RIP Kia, Chipper, Morla, & June

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2000

    Re: Teddy is our hero tonight

    I loved your story about Teddy.
    I think your mom is wonderful/special for playing hide and seek.
    What a good sport sitting and reading in that little
    closet for an hour.

    Teddy is a hero, I know if you ever really get lost
    he will find you. Glad he did not get hurt.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    Glad neither you or Teddy got hurt too bad! Smokey has always been one to snap, but lately it's been horrible. My friend, Melissa, is afraid to pick him up now. I have to pick him up a certain way....hold my hand behind his head so he can't move his make sure I don't get bit! Sometimes he'll bite at me for just trying to pet him. We've all got bit, but luckily his teeth arent' real great doesn't hurt. Reggie doesn't have too many teeth either, when we had them cleaned several of them had to be removed. I'm brushing Nebo's teeth, lol, I don't want him to end up like them!

    My dogs don't have that herding instinct like Teddy, but they like to play games like that. Sometimes Melissa and I play a game. One of us hides (with a food treat) and the other one takes the dogs into a room while they hide. They think it's great to run around the house to find us! The best is playing it while camping though. We have some mountain property (i think it's like 1 1/2 acres)...not many people around us or anything. We let Reggie run loose to try and find us. And we can hide GOOD up there! He's surprisingly fast at it! I guess it's that doggy nose! I doubt I'll ever be able to let Nebo run loose up there, but I'm going to try to train him to do that also...on a long leash.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Kansas, USA
    Originally posted by Aspen and Misty

    momoffuzzyfaces - Teddy felt awfull after it and refused to come near me cause he knew what he did was bad. He even licked my hand to say he was sorry and licked over all my wonds. The dog bite wasnt' bad as Teddy only have 1 "fang" 2 front teeth and a couple in the back so really he gummed it! Although I do have scratch marks from his one fang tooth. I know Teddy didn't mean to, he is to sweet to purposely bite me. He is you know a big baby and loves his cuddles. And he did get extra ones tonight since he found us lost "sheep" and almost hurt him self.
    I'm so glad you two 'kissed and made up'. LOL!!!

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