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Thread: How do I make / get a sign made? PHOTOS POST 8

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA

    How do I make / get a sign made? PHOTOS POST 8

    I'm hosting a booth at a pet event THIS Saturday, for Small Paws Rescue.

    It's all rather last minute, no time for them to ship their sign from OK to me.

    Any ideas what I can do for a sign? How / what type co. makes those banners I always see hanging on highway overpasses for this one's 16th birthday and that one's 25th?

    I will be able to get permission to use their logo, just no idea how to go about this. Anyone with some experience, please point me in the right direction?
    Last edited by Freedom; 05-03-2008 at 04:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Look in your Phone Company Yellow Pages under:

    * Banners

    * Signs

    You'll have to call around to find a shop that's not very busy ...
    TWO days to get artwork, make a proof, and produce a final sign is a LOT to ask!

    You could probably overnight express an already made sign for less than
    making a New One will cost!

    But good luck!

    /s/ Phred

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    What size do you want? PM me all the information, and I can prepare a pdf file for you, which you can have a local sign shop - or even a Staples - print for you onto either something sturdy, or flexible. They can usually turn it around very quickly, but the faster you can get info to me, the better, so you can pay less in "rush" charges.

    Contact the people at Small Paws Rescue, ask if they can email you (or me) a hi-res version of the logo, please.
    I've Been Frosted

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    San Ramon,CA
    Kinko's. They are open 24/7 in some places.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    North East Ohio
    I bought a banner for a suprise b-day party on e-bay.
    ~Angie, Sierra & Buddy
    **Don't breed or buy while shelter dogs die!**

    I suffer from multiple Shepherd syndrome

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Thanks everyone, I am ALL SET!!!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom

    Thanks everyone, I am ALL SET!!!
    Well ... Don't tell us WHAT ya did or how you solved the Sign/Banner problem.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Aw, Phred, REALLY can't you wait to see the photos of the booth on Saturday? Do you really think I would go and NOT take my camera??? I AM an experienced PT'er, I KNOW I MUST take photos, te hee.

    I did a very simple sign. Once I got to Staples, I was surprised, didn't know they offered the stuff they had.

    Got a piece of sturdy board (it's in with the poster board but it is much thicker) and stick on letters. I used the colors for Small Paws Rescue. It won't win any awards, but it does look good. I had envisioned my free hand writing with a marker on a piece of poster board and believe me THAT would have looked horrible!

    Still dashing about madly to pull everything together for Saturday. This is the first time I've ever hosted a booth, and I only have 2 days to prepare! The sign was REALLY worrying me; everything else, I know what I want just a matter of getting to it all in this short amount of time. There was no time for HQ to send me anything, but that's OK for the first one.

    Good thing all 4 dogs got baths last Saturday as there is no way I'm going to be able to do baths for them between now and then.

    OK, so I described it; now you must wait with bated breath for the photos. (Believe me, it isn't worth holding your breath, he hee.)

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom

    I did a very simple sign.

    It won't win any awards, but it does look good.

    ... now you must wait with baited breath for the photos.
    And you said you needed *help*.

    OK ~ We'll wait ... >pant< - >pant< - >pant<

    Happie Booth Tending!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Thank you for all the good wishes.

    The weather did NOT cooperate. It was barely 45!!! Overcast, cloudy, and a little wind. BRRRRR!!! (Two weeks ago we were sunny and bright and almost 80!)

    We stayed 3 hours. Even though it started at 10, we arrived at 9 for set up, and were all ready at 9:30 We left at noon, had already packed everything and were driving out at noon.

    The dogs all got cold. I had jackets and coats on them and took them for walks, but they just looked SO pathetic and when Ozzy started shivering I knew it was enough. He had a sweater on, a jacket over that, and he was snuggled in a pet bed with Sugar and a blanket on top of them. Marlin and Lacey took my chair and were snuggled on that with a blanket over them.

    Two people picked up flyers.

    Sigh. All that work, preparing, packing the car . . . .

    I only took 2 photos, of the tables I set up.

    This table has the sign I made up, and the items I had for a raffle. Didn't sell any tickets at all. The items included: set of 4 placemats and napkins with seashells; a Hallmark baby photo album titled God's Masterpiece; a Pfaltzgraff dip and server. Those "tubes" you see with the SPR logo were for the raffle tickets to be placed in.

    And this table had info about SPR, a binder with photos of some of the dogs available for adoption, and items for sale.

    The donation jar has the $2 in it which I put in to start it off (you shouldn't have nothing as no one likes to be first) but no one else had donation jars, and no one gave anything during the short time I was there. And I think you can see the treats for the dogs and the candy for the humans. And a few items to hold things down in the wind, as I 'thought' I was going to sell the other items.
    Last edited by Freedom; 05-03-2008 at 08:32 PM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post

    The weather did NOT cooperate. It was barely 45!!!
    Overcast, cloudy, and a little wind. BRRRRR!!!

    The dogs all got cold.
    I had jackets and coats on them and took them for walks,
    but they just looked SO pathetic ...

    Two people picked up flyers.

    Sigh. All that work, preparing, packing the car . . . .

    I only took 2 photos, of the tables I set up.

    This table has the sign I made up, and the items I had for a raffle.
    Didn't sell any tickets at all.

    You had a Beautiful setup ... too bad nunbuddie bothered to show up!

    Butttt ... no *snappies* of the Furry Ones?

    Hope your next event goes a LOT better.
    Small Paws Rescue owes you two Gold Stars for Effort and Dedication!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Cinder & Smoke View Post
    Butttt ... no *snappies* of the Furry Ones?
    No, sorry. I mean it, they really did look so sad.

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