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Thread: Poor Shelby (mom's dog)

  1. #1

    Poor Shelby (mom's dog)

    Poor thing.

    She is a shih tzu/pug mix and she is about 7 years old (I can't remember exactly)

    Anyway last year sometime she had an episode. My mom thought she had a stroke. she was very unsteady on her feet and couldn't turn to the right. so she would just walk in circles to the left to get at what she wanted. Just acting strange all around.

    They took her to the vet and they ended up giving her some pain medication... it cleared right up and she was fine. A little while later she had the same thing happen again. So now the vet thinks she has a bit of arthritis and has prescribed her some arthritis medication. It's only given to her when she has an episode and seems to really be working for her.

    Yesterday the poor thing woke up yelping like crazy and my mom could not figure out what had happened to make her yelp so much. she checked her over and didn't see any blood or broken toenails or teeth or anything.

    So she gave her one of her pills and once that kicked in she was fine again. So the pills really do work but my mom feels bad that she has to wait until she has an episode before she can give her a pill.

    Poor Shelby. she's still her happy go lucky sucky girl self except for when she has an episode and until the pill kicks in.

    Luckily as it stands right now she only has an episode every couple of months and usually when it's really damp outside.

    I feel bad for my poor Shelby girl

    anyone experience this with their dogs?

    R.I.P my dear Sweet Teddy. You will be missed forever. We love you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Florida, USA
    Awwwww....poor little girl. I haven't experienced anything like that with any of my dogs. I hope they can find out what's wrong with her soon Best wishes.

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

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