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Thread: Somebody from Santa Ana please PM me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada

    Somebody from Santa Ana please PM me

    Today I got a newspaper article that was folded up in an envelope. It is the Sept 20 edition of the Weekly Journal - and there was no name or return address on the envelope. It was mailed from Santa Ana 92789 on October 19.

    The article is a two-page spread on CHO-WA, a Japanese healing miracle.

    I just want to know who it is - and to add I have not the slightest interest in CHO-WA.

    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada

    Deceptive Marketing UPDATE: Technique Targets Elderly with Kumato Labs product!!!

    I still figure someone from PT had my address, which might have been copied by the scam artist - I have only PM'd my addy. Any ideas?

    Kumato Labs
    Email to a friend
    Printer friendly version
    Address: 2646 St.Louis Dept.125, Signal Hill, California 90755, United States

    As legal guardian and caretaker of my elderly father, I was surprised when he received a personally handwritten letter postmarked out of Santa Ana this week. Inside was what appeared to be an entire section from a newspaper about a remarkable natural product with healing properties; complete with stock market quotes on the back page. On the upper corner written to my father was a short personal message encouraging him to check it out.

    My father has never known anyone in Santa Ana; but the thing looked very familiar. Ten years ago a similar marketing scam was used in California by a weight loss company and sent out as legitimate looking newpaper pages personally sent to the receiver. No return address or any other indication of who the sender was appeared on the envelope except a first class, stamped and dated envelope.

    While this in itself is not an illegal marketing ploy, it causes serious questions about the legitimacy of the company using it. In the case of the product advertised by Kumato Labs, Cho-Wa, language is used directly targeted to a demographic predispositioned to both poor vision and poor judgement with respect to Mass Marketing Ploys; the elderly.

    This brings up legitimate reason to have concerns about doing business with the company simply for ethical reasons if for no other. The primary reason would simply be out of common sense; do not do business with any company you do not know, especially through mail or over the internet. Report anything that seems wrong to authorities or sites like this one.

    Do Not Stay Quiet About It!!! The unhappy consumer who alerts others to do business elsewhere is the greatest threat to any business that employs questionable or unethical practices.

    I would encourage anyone who has received any kind of advertised offer of this company's product to first investigate their business license and history as thoroughly as possible. Legitimate companies carrying beneficial natural supplements do not need to resort to trickery in their advertising in order for their product to sell.
    California,United States
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

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