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Thread: What to do, what to do...advice needed.

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Yorkshire, U.K

    What to do, what to do...advice needed.

    I was taking our Jess for a walk before martial arts training this evening and I was walking past the house of two ladies I know and they stopped me as I was going past to tell me about something that had happened to them yesterday.
    They have two dogs of their own. Both mongrels, one is 16 and the other is about 8 or 9.
    The older of the two women went to take the dogs out for a walk the previous evening and their side gate goes straight onto a snicket that comes out onto the main road and two youths with a couple of staffies were coming past from the main road. The two staffies were off lead and went straight for the womans dogs and got hold of the younger one. The younger of the two women came out and tried to get the staffie off her dog and one of the youths got hold of her demanding she get off his dog leaving bruising all over her arm etc...
    In the end, they ran off and left the two women to get their dog to the emergency vet costing them well over £100 in fees just to see them as it was out of hours in the evening. I didn't have time to stop long but they mentioned she'd got staples in her leg and that she'd been made a mess of.
    They've reported it to police and all but they don't know who the lads are so can't give any names or anything and they asked me to keep a look out.
    From the description they gave, I'm pretty sure it was the same lad I saw a couple of days before.
    I was out with Jess and had stopped to talk to some GSD owners I know who were training their dogs and we saw this lad come walking up the main road with the two staffies running loose and thinking how stupid it was. He looked like a total tosser who only has dogs as status symbols. The GSD owner lived straight across from where we were standing and he has a drive way with a gate and his dogs often sit there when loose in his property, they can't get out into public, and these two staffies came running up the road and made a beeline for his gate..probably hoping the GSDs would be there so they could cause a scene. They weren't but this yob didn't really make an effort to stop them. He did notice us all glaring across the road at him and if he wasn't on his own and a group of us, I'm sure he would have said something.

    Anyway, when I got home today and told my parents about the incident with the two women and their dogs, my stepdad starting going on that I keep out of it, it's nothing to do with us, blah blah blah, I'll only get myself into bother etc.... It's people sticking their heads in the sand and refusing to stand up for each other that has caused our society to go to pot to start with and allow these yobs to act in whatever way they want so I am infuriated with his attitude...especially as it could be me and Jess next. Had I not stopped to talk to the GSD owners that other evening, I'd have bumped into the tosser because I walk down that road he was coming up to get home and, no doubt, the staffies would have attacked Jess. I'm sure my stepdad would rather wait until something like that happens to me before he decides anything needs to be done. Might be too late for Jess if it does.

    I'm still determined to try and find out who they are so they can be brought to justice. I'll just have to make sure I don't let on to my stepdad.

    Does anyone have any kind of advice as to how to go about doing it?
    Dogs are not our whole lives but they make our lives whole.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    columbus, ohio, usa
    can you contact the local dog warden or animal control officer and let them know a staffie is running free and you just saw them at the yobs' address. just a citizen making a report
    joyce who has princess peanut, spokesdog for the catpack, mojo, magic, kira and squirty, members of the catpack, angel duke, a good dog who is missed and angel alex the wonder dog, handsome prince.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Yorkshire, U.K
    I don't know where the yobs live unfortunately. If I did, I'd be sure to tell the two women who's dog was attacked.

    My sister said that if I see them again to try and discreetly get some photos on my mobile phone showing the dogs running loose and maybe the women can identify them from it and show police etc...even better if I have my big camera with me, haha. The dogs aren't on their own btw, they are with the owners just that they aren't on leads where they should be in the streets etc...and if they are as aggressive as these dogs, they should be on lead all the time with muzzles as well or preferably just owned by more responsible people.
    Dogs are not our whole lives but they make our lives whole.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    I would use tha camera idea myself. Take pictures that would identify
    the boys and the loose dogs. Take more than one picture of both.Tell police
    what area they usually frequent. Think I'd carry some pepper spray too.
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