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Thread: Border Collies

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2001

    Border Collies

    I want to get a Border Collie sometime soon. But, I don't know that much about them. Could someone please tell me some things about Border Collies? Thank you!

    Kaitlyn (the human)
    Sadie & Rita (Forever in Our Hearts) (the Labbies)

  2. #2
    I thought you said you wanted a basset

    The only thing I know about the BC is that they have ALOT of energy. Require lots of activity and playtime, they don't like to sit around and do nothing they like to have something to do.

    oh ya and I know they are cute and very smart.
    ~~ My House Is Not A Home Without A Hound ~~

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2001
    LoL!!! That's what my dad says.... he says I change what kind of dog I want every day! Thanks!

    Kaitlyn (the human)
    Sadie & Rita (Forever in Our Hearts) (the Labbies)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2001

    You should look at this website for a good intro to the breed:

    Basically, they are dogs that need serious work to do or else they can become psychotic and destructive. I've heard of people with BCs whose dogs resorted to watching a dripping faucet for hours, chasing the blades of ceiling fans, or simply jumping the fence and running away because they were left alone too long with nothing to do. They are INTENSE! A few may be mellow, but that's not the general rule. Keep them busy, though, and they're great dogs.

    We live in an area of California where there are lots of Basque sheepherders, and the majority of them have BCs. Those dogs work 7 days a week, 10+ hours a day--and then they want to play fetch or soccer after that!
    Before we got our Aussie, we thought we wanted a BC. Then we hung out with some Basque families and realized we needed a breed that would calm down once in a while! Our Aussie is quite a handful--I can't even imagine living with a BC!

    Just my two cents...

    The hairy kids' photo album

    Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    kobeeli gave you the best advise...go read about mother has had 2 i have had 1...i love them.,......they are the most intelligent...but think when you have a smart need to keep them ffrom being bored...they are the wonder dogs...they are the prettiest mutts!!!!go get one girl!!!! after you read about them!!!!!you will love them!!!!!! the deeli dog
    The Deli Dog

    I want to Honor All of Our Rainbow Bridge Furkids

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    They are very intelligent dogs with TONS of energy. Don't get one unless you're prepared for hours of frisbee or miles of walks.

  7. #7
    Border colies are my favorite dog some day mabe I'll get it. well boder colies are herding dog they are reall good at herding they are also smartest dog.. they are good in agility very.. my friend has boder colie that loves to play ball.

    well I like all dogs and I want to get any kind of dog but if I had to choose one I'd pick border colies.. but they do have a lots of energy.
    Harry Park

  8. #8
    Border colies are my favorite dog some day mabe I'll get it. well boder colies are herding dog they are reall good at herding they are also smartest dog.. they are good in agility very.. my friend has boder colie that loves to play ball.

    well I like all dogs and I want to get any kind of dog but if I had to choose one I'd pick border colies.. but they do have a lots of energy.
    Harry Park

  9. #9
    some times they will like chse your feet because you know herding and my friend's boder colie he won't let you go front of him sometimes because then he will grab your pants and pull and bring it to the house
    Harry Park

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2001
    I think I'm gonna get a Border Collie when I get another dog.... but can someone tell me how I can prove to my parents that I'm responseable enough? I've already made a list on all the things the cute little puppy will need.......

    Kaitlyn (the human)
    Sadie & Rita (Forever in Our Hearts) (the Labbies)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Not to be the gloomy one, but you said in another post that you're having a hard time training your Lab, Sadie. I do not think getting a Border Collie would be a good thing for either you or the dog, as they are more demanding, even, than a Lab. Enjoy Sadie, work with and train her (and learn, too) before you try to convince your parents to get another dog!
    I've Been Frosted

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2001

    I think Karen's right: Sadie is the one who deserves all your love, attention, and effort right now.

    Plus, think of this...You're about 11 years old, and while you're in school all day Sadie is probably content to hang out and snooze at home, just waiting for you. What would a Border Collie be doing during your school time? Most likely tearing stuff up, inventing "games" for its own amusement that your family would not find amusing, and slowly going insane. Would there be someone with the dog to work, play with, and train it when you aren't home? BCs really do NEED that!

    The hairy kids' photo album

    Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Palm Harbor, Florida
    Thats basicly why my parents would not let me get my loving baby boy Blink. WE did not have time, we all work or either go to school, and during the summmer, we go on vacation, and we would never know hoe the new dog would act... i plan on getting another dog when i get older... I really want a girl dog, i have wanted one forever, i wanna name her Cali.. because a while back LL Cool J released a CD and had a song that was named "Going Back To Cali" and i just loved it!
    KayAnn And Simba, the super duper "Wunduh Mutt"

    Go Buccaneers!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    United States, PA. ,Doylestown
    Here is a write up I read in a dog breed book (a good one, too...breeder recomended) : "Border collies, the classic farm dog, have been around for a while.This breed needs to RUN. You should be able to take to a field or some open area to run him for a good two hours every day...and thats just to knowck off a little bit of thier energy. If not getting enough running and playing and walking, border collies can be rather destructive. They can be hard to train, but if trained correctly, these dogs can be loving and effectionate companions for the very active person." Thats it. Also, since I konw you were saying that you wanted a corgie Last week, and now you want a BC, are you just looking into different breeds???? If so, here is an exelent website that has a a list of MANY diferent breeds, with detailed write ups on each one....all by Cindy tittle moore, a very expierianced and well known dog trainer who knowes a lot about different dog breeds...and cat breeds too! It's where I first learned of a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever- my breed.Here it is " <A HREF=""" TARGET=_blank>"</A> On the bottom of the page,
    go to DOG FAQS, and when you get to there, on the side of the page you'll see a list of different things about dogs...go to dgo breeds. This is really an exelent site...!
    Grace and my best, friend, my k9 companion, Finny.

    Come see the beautiful dog breed that I love!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    United States, PA. ,Doylestown
    Ohh, im sorry, i didn't even see kobbeeles advice! We have the same thing!
    Grace and my best, friend, my k9 companion, Finny.

    Come see the beautiful dog breed that I love!

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