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Thread: Starr Just Bit Me Very Hard!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA

    Starr Just Bit Me Very Hard!!!

    Hi, Starr has been known to bite me from time to time but he's never broken the skin until today. He was sleeping on my lap and I had to get up and he didn't want to move so he bit me extemely hard and 2 of the 4 puncture wounds have broken the skin on my left hand. They were bleeding only slightly and have now stopped. I washed my hand with antibacterial soap and put some hydrogen peroxide on them.

    I have Kaiser insurance so I called them and since my doctor isn't in they're sending an urgent message to his office and someone will call me within 2 hours. She said that I should be able to be seen today.

    Am I overeating here? I know that cat bites shouldn't be taken lightly and they can cause bacteria to get into my bloodstream. It seems like the area around the 2 puncture wounds are beginning to swell slightly or I'm just imagining it. Starr had his teeth cleaned just yesterday so hopefully his mouth is cleaner than normal. For such tiny pucnture wounds they sure do hurt. Thanks for reading this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Oh gosh Tracey that is awful! I think you are doing the right thing in getting in to see the doctor. From the few cases of cat bites here on the board it does seem very important to get medical treatment quickly. Better safe than sorry.

    Please keep us updated.

    From Decker with Love

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I think we had more examples of cat bites here that show you are not overreacting. I am so sorry. Please be not too upset with Starr- he is not a bad kitty....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    I guess you did the right thing calling in. I was bitten by Amber (RB Mr. Amber Cat) twice. Both times were serious bites, the second time I was in hospital for 10 days for around the clock IV antibiotics. Nuisance, as I FELT fine, except for these sausage fingers!!!


    Doctors are required by law to report all animal bites. Have the rabies tag and certificate ready. NOTIFY YOUR VET OF WHAT HAS HAPPENED, AS WELL.

    When animal control comes knocking, talk about how he just had his teeth cleaned and wasn't feeling himself, and you just weren't paying attention and you HAD to get up.

    DO NOT TELL THEM what you just told us, that he bites you now and then. NO WAY do you mention he is a biter!!!!! IMPORTANT. Also do NOT tell your doctor he bites you now and then; that will go into the report which starts the process. Just blame it all on his being out of sorts from having his teeth cleaned, and you not putting enough emphasis on his not being himself.

    With any luck, the officer will just tell you keep keep him indoors and away from people for 10 days. (Rather than taking him into quarantine for 10 days).

    I managed to avoid Amber's quarantine both times. He had to have medication 4 times per day, and there was NO way he would be getting that at the shelter. They did verify that with my vet, didn't just take my word for it.

    I am emphasizing this because I was in shock from the bites the first time and I was bowled over when animal control showed up at my door!!!! The second time, I was more prepared.

    As for your hand, washing and the peroxide are good, you did right on that. Cat bites are dangerous because the teeth are long and narrow. So as the tooth goes in, it deposits any bacteria, just as a dog bite would. But due to being narrow, on the way out the wound closes right up, leaving the bacteria trapped. Dog bites don't get infected as often because the wound is left open as the teeth are wider. Easier to clean the wound out and get any bacteria deposits out.

    Your doctor may give you a shot(s), I can't remember what it was for. I am thinking tetanus, but that's not right, that's for metal deposits.

    You need to try and keep the wound open to let it clean out. I had to soak in saline solution 4 times per day for 2 or 3 days to keep it moist. You want it to heal from the inside out, from the bottom up. Not scab over the top and heal down.

    That is the reason that they hurt so much. They are puncture wounds. That means they are DEEP. That is the definition of a puncture. And yes, the pain at the beginning was unbelievable!!

    Hope this info is helpful.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.
    aaww Tracey- sorry to hear that.
    I hope you get it take care of.
    Kloe bites me often but rarely breaks the skin - only when she means business when I'm trying to cut her nails!
    Keegan 9/28/2001 to June 9, 2012
    Kylie (June 2000 to 5/19/2012)
    "we as American's have forgotten we can agree to disagree"
    Kylie the Queen, Keegan the Princess, entertained by Kloe the court Jester
    Godspeed Phred and Gini you will be missed more than you ever know..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I think this depends on the state you live in. I'm in Michigan, and have been bitten twice by my cat, Reese. One required a trip to the ER, the other to the doctor's office. Neither case was reported.

    Maybe Rhode Island is different?

    Cat bites are worse than dog or human bites. Think about it - they bathe themselves - all over their bodies. . . . . .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    What is so bad about cats biting and breaking the skin(or is it just for outdoor cats?)

    Hank has been biting really hard latley and not letting go. But I'm sure that's because it's time for him to get fixed. (He has never broke the skin though).
    See ALL my pets here


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Fayetteville, NC (stedman)
    I think that you did the right thing. Poor meowmie I have been biten many times, and took antibiotics. Cat bites become serious fast, usually you dont know it is infected until it really makes you sick. Please let us know what happens.

    And Starr, bad boy! Dont bite the hand that feeds you. Even if she did move your majisty while napping

    Thank you so much Michelle!

    Please be responsible, spay and neuter your pets!

    I've been BOO'd!!! Thanks Lori!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Happy Valley, Utah
    I'm sorry to hear this, I hope you will be ok!

    Quote Originally Posted by buttercup132
    What is so bad about cats biting and breaking the skin(or is it just for outdoor cats?)
    Cat bites are considerably more prone to infection than dog bites. I know there is more problems cat bites can cause as well. At my work any cat bite is an automatic trip to the E.R. where a dog bite it would depend on how severe. I have been bitten by dogs at work but none have hurt even close to as badly as the cat bite. I'm sure it varies by state, but here also any animal bite is required to be reported to the authorities.

    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom

    Your doctor may give you a shot(s), I can't remember what it was for. I am thinking tetanus, but that's not right, that's for metal deposits.
    I had to get a shot when the cat bit me, and I'm pretty sure that's what it was...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Midwest USA
    I think it depends not only in what state you live in, but also where and how the bite happened. The one time I got bit by a cat at work, I just cleaned it up best I could, went on with my day, then went home. Next morning (of course on a Sunday when my reg. dr. is not in) my finger had swelled to over twice it's normal size and hurt like the dickens! When I went to the ER they asked very specific questions and the only one that interested them was when I said it happened at work, that made them perk up. No animal control officer was contacted, but then again I work for a vet hospital and the head vet took care of informing the owner of the cat that I had been bit and instructed him to quarantien the cat for 10 days, (of course we had the advantage of having a vaccination history of knowing the cat was current with it's rabies vaccination.

    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom
    Your doctor may give you a shot(s), I can't remember what it was for. I am thinking tetanus, but that's not right, that's for metal deposits.
    Tetnus is a bacterial infection, and that is exactly the shot I recieved at the ER for my cat bite. Tetnus bacteria can live in soil and on old dirty rusty nails etc. which is probably why you thought it was for metal deposits.


    Tetanus occurs worldwide but is most frequently encountered in densely populated regions in hot, damp climates with soil rich in organic matter. Reservoir Organisms are found primarily in the soil and intestinal tracts of animals and humans. Mode of TransmissionTransmission is primarily by contaminated wounds (apparent and inapparent). The wound may be major or minor. In recent years, however, a higher proportion of patients had minor wounds, probably because severe wounds are more likely to be properly managed. Tetanus may follow elective surgery, burns, deep puncture wounds, crush wounds, otitismedia (ear infections), dental infection, animal bites, abortion, and pregnancy. Almost all reported cases of tetanus are in persons who have either never been vaccinated, or who completed a primary series but have not had a booster in the preceding 10 years.

    RIP Dusty July 2 2007 RIP Sabrina June 16 2011 RIP Jack July 2 2013 RIP Bear July 5 2016 RIP Pooky June 23 2018. RIP Josh July 6 2019 RIP Cami January 6 2022

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Fayetteville, NC (stedman)
    When I got bit by a dog at the vets where I worked (teeth went completely through my hand) I got 2 shots on each tushie cheek 2 x per week for about a month and a half. Hurt badly, but the infection died. (ALSO took 4 meds..2 antibiotics, 2 pain killers. and no use of my left arm for months. It was wrapped, and I had to have my friend and mom wash my hair for me )

    For my cat bites, they were not NEARLY as severe, so I was on antibiotics for a few weeks.

    HOPEFULLY it is not that serious where you have to be on shots and meds and pain meds. It really wears you out.

    Please update when you can.

    Thank you so much Michelle!

    Please be responsible, spay and neuter your pets!

    I've been BOO'd!!! Thanks Lori!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    Oh goodness! What a nawtee boy, Starr!!

    I don't think you're over reacting at all. It's better to be safe and have it checked out...even if it's just for piece of mind. Please let us know how your appointment went!


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    Hi everyone. I've already been seen by the doctor and I'm now on antibiotics 2 times a day for the next 10 days. The pills are quite large and remind me of horse pills. Since I'm up to date on my tetnus shot I didn't need to have another one.

    I told her that Starr is an indoor cat only and is up to date on all of his shots including rabies. She just told me to watch him for the next 10 days but she's sure that everything will be fine. As far as I know I won't be visited by animal control. I guess I should contact my vet to let them know about what happened just in case.

    Thanks for all of your responses. I think I caught it very early so I should be fine. I'm on vacation until Jan.2nd so hopefully my hand will feel much better before I go back to work.

    Edit: I called my vets office and the lady told me that my doctor will have to report this to animal control but since he's my cat and is up to date on his rabies that I shouldn't have to worry about anything. Animal control will be getting in touch with me some time soon and will just ask me some questions. She also told me that I did the right thing because cat bites can be very serious.
    Last edited by krazyaboutkatz; 12-27-2006 at 06:40 PM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    SE USA
    When that cat at the shelter bit me, my vet got bittent he same day and he told Rie to tell me to get to a doctor NOW... whenever he gets bitten, he goes immdeiately. I took that advice. My bite was deep, she sunk her fangs all the way in, all 4 of them. I got a shot in the hip and meds for 10 days... No pain pills though and it hurt like the dickens where she bit me.

    What is so bad about cats biting and breaking the skin(or is it just for outdoor cats?)
    You missed the thread waaaaay back when CCL got bitten, that is when I learned how bad cat bites are. They are extreemly dangerous if they are deep.

    Special Needs Pets just leave bigger imprints on your heart!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    The West Coast of the USA
    I'm really lucky, the doctors are proud of my strong immune system and so whenever a cat bites me, (Fritti, my mom's cat, used to all the time, he was a really evil feline) I get a bit of a welt, like if someone used a miniature whip on me, and of course I wash it with good soap and apply neosporin on it, but that usually does the trick for me. Actually, it's always done the trick for me, but a friend of mine had to go to the ER because her cat bit her shoulder and it swelled like a balloon.
    Hope you feel better soon! And it does sound like he was just out of sorts, and I hope he gets to feelin' better too. Though it looks like all he needs is a chill pill :P

    ^Boyfriend^.....^Me!^...............^Clover^...... ........^Echo^

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