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Thread: Abby last night...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Iowa USA

    Abby last night...

    What a darn mess she was...I'm sitting here at the computer last night & all of a sudden I smell POOP! Big time poop smell!! So....I go over to Abby & lift her tail to take a gander at what sort of mess she has hanging off her butt! And it was clean! So I'm thinking, poor dog musta stepped in it, which paw to I need to wash?! Nooooo...paws are clean too...then she turns her head to give me a dirty look for messing with her butt & feet...& lo & behold....There are piles of goopy POOP hanging off her ears! Both of them...and IN her ears! Guess the neighbors dog was over again & she couldn't resist rolling in it! I started barking orders at Mike to grab towels, etc while I was I was cranking up the heat & filling the tub at 9:30 last night...Sheesh!! That's how Abber is if she finds something "GOOD"...gotta pretend she's putting a dab of cologne under each ear!! I still have towels laying on the bathroom floor & her poopy collar hanging over a towel bar to dry! I shoulda taken her picture, but I was in such a hurry to clean her up before she got it on anything! You'll just have to picture it in your mind...lil light colored Abber with brown ears!
    This morning she's laying quietly in her favorite spot, back of the couch looking out the window...but she keeps giving me dirty looks when I look up! lol...I think she wanted to wear "eau de poop perfume" for the holidays!!

    Thanks vinjashira for the siggy

  2. #2
    Must be a good perfume. Maybe I should try That would be and odd place to find it though. Dogs....never a dull moment.
    TFT ftwtyvm!

    I've Been DEfrosted.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I know what you mean one of my dogs comes back from rolling in doggie doo at least once a week! And just a few minutes ago my Japanese Chin, King, came home half covered in mud!!!!!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Gotta love those dogs, eh?

    I can definately picture little Abby like that, hehe.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    What a mess!!Don't you just love it!!!The dog, I mean!!!!!!HEHE!!!HAHA!!Not so funny!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Florida, USA
    OMG!!!! Abby! You silly little girl!! You're too cute to be a poopy head

    I've been Boo'd...
    Thanks Barry!

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