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Thread: House Training

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Cullison, Kansas

    House Training

    I've finally gotten to a point where I can start house training with my Husky puppy, Sif. She was really shy when we first got her and I used the advice I got from people here on PT. Now I have to get her house broke. Well to start we have a dog door that goes out to 1 acre of fenced in yard. she has free roam of the basement. Which is where I'm at 99% of the time but I can never catch her "in the act". She even pees right in front of the dog door in the house. I've caught her peeing outside and made a HUGE deal out of it. I played with her for a half hour. I can't have anyone else in the house help because she won't come to them at all. She will only come to and play with me and my 2 year old daughter. I raw feed her twice a day and take her outside about 10 to 15 min. after she is done eating and she does go then. My other husky,Thor, is fully house broke. He did it all by himself. She even watches him go outside and I've started praising him to and she watches me do this. She sleeps in a crate at night and hasn't had a mess at night in about 1 week now. I leave the door of the crate open now at night.

  2. #2
    The key to getting her housebroken is not to give her the opportunity to do her "stuff"where she's not suppose to, so he first thing you need to do is not to let her roam freely, even if it is only in the basement. Keep her crated when you cannot watch her very carefully. Take her out at regular intervals, always take her out through the same door and always to the same spot so as to develop a routine. If you catch her doing it in the house clap your hands so that it will startle her and she will stop, scoop her up and take her outside so she can finish her "business" and give her a whole lot of praise. It going to take some time but with persistence she'll get there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    United States
    I aggree! it would REALLY help if you catch her, that way she understands that she isnt supposed to pee and she'll get in trouble if she does! does she know how the doggie door works? maybe everytime she has to go out, or you take her out, try and use the doggie door, and show her how to use it! maybe she hasnt got the full understanding of the door! If you cant keep a close eye on her, def. keep her in her crate but every so often i'd just check to see what she is up too! if you notice alot of sniffing around or just wandering in circles or just moving around an awful lot, that normally means they have to go! so get her use to goin outside, i normally say something like "lets go potty, or potty time". that way they start putting the words potty with actually going potty! kinda just like teaching sit, it's a repetative thing! good luck!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Cullison, Kansas
    Yes Sif knows how to use the dog door she goes in and out all day. I think she is lazy? She will be laying down resting and just sand up and pee. then she moves somewhere else to lay down. I think I'm getting the hang on catching her now and she has only had two accidents in the last three days. I used emc addvice and used the crate. Thank you!

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