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Thread: Kitten stage?

  1. #1

    Kitten stage?

    Ok this might be a real stupid questiong. I have a 2 year old cat. That still seems to be in his "kitten stage" of life. I have had other cats that have grown out of it by the time they are 2 years old. But for some reason Cubby is all about having his fun and games. When he is awake he is all about playing attacking anything that moves and trying to catch what every if flying around or moving outside of the windows. He is an indoor cat. He is the first indoor cat I have ever had so can this be the reason why he is still in his kitten stage? But my question is, is how long to they stay in this stage? I am waiting to be able to pick him up and give him some lovings with out having to play with him every time I want to pet him. Maybe I'm just selfish. I do play with him alot actually I play with him almost when ever he wants to play unless he gets to rough.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Independence, Kansas
    Some cats do not "mature" enough to act as an "adult" cat until they are at least 5 years old. It appears that Cubby is one of those. I am believing that you are dealing with a specific personality of a cat, and not so much one of being immature. Be happy that you have such a furkid, because there is plenty of time for him to be more calm and serious and to conduct himself as a "mature cat". My Chrissie will be (I believe) 3 years old this year, although there are no birth records on him, he is my 13 lb kitten! He still plays chase-and-ambush, and bats cat toys around on the floor. Of all of my furkids, he is my special one.


  3. #3
    Former User Guest
    We have 2 cats that are 2 years old and then we have two kittens that are 12 weeks old, not much difference there in their behaviour, except the older ones are bigger
    The older ones are just as crazy as our kittens are while playing.

  4. #4
    Thank you guys. I love him the way he is. He is a sweet cat when he wants to be. I know early on in his kittenhood he had a few medical problems. So he would only play really hard for about an hour and sleep the rest of the day. Cubby really likes the little furry mice that I buy for him but some how he can't figure out how but the couch always seems to take them from him. As far as other toys he is very happy with the 2 boxes that we have left out for him. He just rediscoved his shoe box. Thanks again to both of you for your help.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Bastet will never be an adult. She is an aby ... need I say more
    "A cat cannot see directly under its nose. This is why the cat cannot seem to find tidbits on the floor."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Kacey still goes on wacky kitten-like dashes through the house and he'll be 10 in September.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    New Zealand
    Lexie is a year old and just loves to play, i say to her WANNA PLAY and she will go and sit patiently by her gold beads look down at them and then up at me, thats the signal yes mum I WANNA PLAY, she just loves me to drag them around over the couch up and down the stairs, she just gets so much enjoyment, im afraid i usually tire before she does.
    Furangels only lent.
    RIP my gorgeous Sooti, taken from us far too young, we miss your beautiful face and purssonality,take care of Ash for us, love you xx000❤️❤️

    RIP my beautiful Ash,your pawprints are forever in my heart, love and miss you so much my big boy. ❤️❤️

    RIP my sweet gorgeous girl Ellie-Mae, a little battler to the end, you will never ever be forgotten, your little soul is forever in my heart, my thoughts, my memories, my love for you will never die, Love you my darling little precious girl.❤️❤️

    RIP our sweet Nikita taken suddenly ,way too soon ,you were a special girl we loved you so much ,miss you ❤️❤️

    RIP my beautiful Lexie, 15 years of unconditional love you gave us, we loved you so much, and miss you more than words can say.❤️❤️

    RIP beautiful Evee Ray Skye ,my life will never be the same with out you ,I loved you so much, I will never forget you ,miss you my darling .❤️❤️

  8. #8
    Cubby was so sweet yesterday. All he wanted all day is his lovings. He stayed in the bedroom almost all day yesterday. Every hour or so I would go in to check on him and I would end up laying down with him for a few minutes giving him as much loving as he would let me. But no matter how long I would stay int here with him he wanted me to stay longer. He always starts acting funny when the weather changes here. So I think that is why he was so loveable yesterday.
    P.S. I will also post a picture of him.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    He's adorable. All four of my cats love to play. Storm is 7 and is starting to slow down more but he'll still race around the house and play chase every now and then. Sunny will be 3 in late August and he loves to play and run around. Cirrus just turned 1 in June and also loves to play. Sky is also 1 and still acts like a big kitten. Everything is a toy to him. I think that it will take a long time before Sky slows down. I love cats that are playful and full of energy except when I'm trying to sleep. It sounds like Cubby has a great personality.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Tennessee, USA
    Cubby is precious! I would love to have a pic of him on my website page for Black & White kitties!

    Take a peek
    Kim Loves Cats and Doggies Too!

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