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Thread: barking

  1. #1

    Question barking

    Can you please help me?My Dog Is 1 year old and is a skye terrier and name is buddybear.He barks waaaaaaayyyyyy to much.He barks at the trash bags at people walking by and sometimes at cars.I don't know what to do!We've tryed everything.We tried putting a treat next to things he barks at (like the trash bag) and he gets the treat and eats it but when we go to pick it up he barks again!Please if you have any ideas of how to make my dog QUIT barking please let me know!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Have to tried distracting him - working through obedience commands instead of just letting him bark? What happens when he barks now? Do you just yell? Because that could be interpreted by him as a positive response. Some "interruption" techniques include having a spray bottle with water handy and spritzing him when he barks. Another is putting a few pebbles in a soda can, and rattling that when he barks. Whatever you decide to do, everyone in the family must do it consistently.

  3. #3
    I would spray him with a spray bottle but he has VERY sensitive ears and if they got just a drizzle of water in them he could get a seriouse ear infection.And If we put pebbles in the soda can then he will just bark even more!HE is kind of aggressive.thanx for helping me though

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    It sounds like he is in charge. Has he ever been through an obedience class with you? Maybe it's time to do it again, if he has. You - the humans, need to be more in control here if you want a quieter dog. Right now, he thinks he's alpha, so needs to be on top of every situation - when really, if he knew someone else were in charge, he might be able to relax a little ...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    I would completely ignore him when he barks at objects - if you act upon his behaviour, you're reacting to it.

    When you pick up a garbage bag and he barks, just carry on doing whatever you're doing with it.

    Or try this:

    Have a toy in one hand (one that he goes crazy over, or a treat!) when you go to pick up the garbage bag - when he starts barking, throw the toy/treat in the opposite direction and praise him when he grabs/eats it.

    "Did you ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you?
    But when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window." -- Steve Bluestone

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