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Thread: Dew Claws

  1. #1

    Dew Claws

    A few of the dogs that come into the shop have no dew claws is it true the owners have them removed?
    I didnt think the dew claws were a problem unless you kept them long? I dont personally get my dogs removed I dont see the point really, it there or is it like a show thing?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Jose, CA
    Unfortunately, some people do still mutilate their dogs in that fashion.

    Thank you Wolf_Q!

  3. #3
    well if thats the case then my dogs are Au Natural.. It seems weird when I cut the dogs nails! I look for it and they are gone, its quite sad really! Is it purely for show or is it like medical conditions?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Northern Canada
    Most of my dogs don't have their dew claws. Dewclaws on a sled dog can be a very bad thing. They easily rip in deep snow. It's much less painful to have them removed as puppies or when the dog is altered than to have them tear off in the middle of nowhere.
    If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you must find the courage to live it.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Jose, CA
    For a working dog whose dewclaws are at risk of being ripped off it's a good thing. There are a lot of people in my area who do it for purely aesthetic purposes, and I don't like it at all.

    Thank you Wolf_Q!

  6. #6
    Yeah I can totally understand why your dogs havent got theirs! (btw i love seein pics of your dogs they are all gorgeous!!!! ) but like small dogs like yorkies, i know for a fact some of these cannot be in show as they come in the shop BADLY matted, I dont know, I just think its unnesarary(SP?)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    *Arkansas *
    i was wondering that myself.....MAXIMUS has what i thought
    were thumbs, on his two front paws(such yummy paws--all 4)...
    we called them hooks, because, well they looked like hooks...
    those are the only two we ever have to trim...THANK GOD...his
    hind paws are plain, but nevertheless, yummy!!! i would never
    think of choppin' ANY part of him without a really good reason...and i would agree, mutilation(the word i would also use) without cause, is just uncalled for........

    ~siggy by LEXILOVER~thanx~

  8. I was very close to getting Muffins removed. she got them cought on anything and everything. i think seeing a claw sticking streight up in the air on a dog is sad. let alone if you get a close look at it,, it looks all bloody and meaty in the inside and your dog hobbles around for a few days.. and since the dogs walk around outside it has a chance of getting infected. i think thats more disturbing then having them removed.

    deponds on the dog though. most dogs dont have anything happen to their due claws.. and theres some that do.

    luckily Kirby came with his removed.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2004
    British Columbia,Canada
    are dew claws on the front or back feet?
    i can't remember what they are!?!

  10. Ive seen them on both front and back feet.
    but usually there just on the front ones.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2004
    British Columbia,Canada
    oh ok,
    Kodie has his front ones,but i never noticed if Lucy has hers or not,i'll have to check.

  12. Found a picture
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  13. #13
    I think it depends on the dog and their lifestyle. I work at a pet boarding facility and recently a beagle mix puppy came in and his dew claws amazed me. They were so loose, I'd never seen anything like it. I talked to the owner about it and they said they were going to get them removed when her was neutered. They had already talked to their vet about it and he too thought it was dangerous for the puppy to keep them.

    As far as my dogs go, Charlie is the only one who has had his dew claws removed and he had them done before I got him. I wouldn't have removed unless I felt it necessary for the dogs safety.
    - Kari
    skin kids- Nathan, Topher, & Lilla

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Some dogs have front or back or both. Some breeds have double dew claws (two on each paw). Our vet recommends only if they are a working dog or are at risk of having them ripped off. Autumn has hers yet but got close to having them removed after they got caught and I freaked, they were ok thankfully. I don't see getting these removed as bad as cropping or docking as they do get ripped off more often than not.
    "There are two things which cannot be attacked in front: ignorance and narrow-mindedness. They can only be shaken by the simple development of the contrary qualities. They will not bear discussion."

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  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    San Jose, CA
    Star almost had one removed a few years ago because she split it in half! (For some reason I forgot this until just now) Fortunately it healed well, and she kept it.

    Thank you Wolf_Q!

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