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Thread: vick hired by the philly eagles

  1. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by sasvermont View Post
    How would you feel if he donaed half his salary to Pit Bull rescues? Not that we would ever know for sure he would do it. Is there any way for him to be let off the hook? I think not, for many of us. He would do better by fading into the sunset and getting a job out of the limelight.
    If he would do that PLUS clean dog cages for the next 15 or 20 years, maybe I'd think he's repentant. I still say he's only sorry for being caught and not for what he did. His smirk, body language and what he actually says tells me he's unrepentant. "I should've done this" and "I should've done that" rather than "I'm sorry" doesn't cut it.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  2. #47
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    I am not a fan of football, or sports, in general. I have never watched a full football game, and don't see myself doing so in the near future. So, I do not know what other NFl or other sport league players have or have not been a part of criminally. But, in general, I draw a huge distinction between the idiot that gets behind the wheel of his/her car lit up like a Christmas tree and accidently kills another person and a person like Vick that knowingly, with malice in his heart, time and again, did what he did to dogs. This isn't about the value of a human life over a pets life (that isn't my call to make). It is about the intent of the person. It isn't to say that the drunk driver didn't commit a horrendous, life altering crime. He did. But, to me, there is a big difference in the intent of the person committing many many other crimes and what Vick did.

    I would never allow a person convicted of a sex act upon a minor within 1 foot alone with my son, no matter HOW much time that person served. Again, it is the intent of that perpetrator...I see Vick similarly. I think he deserves nothing but contempt from this day forward.

    I hope the fans revolt.

  3. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Cataholic View Post

    Again, it is the intent of that perpetrator...I see Vick similarly.

    I think he deserves nothing but contempt from this day forward.

    I hope the fans revolt.
    Well said!

    Did you watch the "60 Minutes" interview with Mikey tonight?

    NOT a very good showing of his "I'm sorry" attitude...
    more like a restatement of:
    * I'm sorry I got caught
    * I'm sorry I lost a lot of money
    * I'm sorry I screwed up my career
    * Oh, yeah ... and I'm sorry I hurt those "animals"

    Those were DOGS you hurt (and killed) ... try saying "DOGS", you dirt bag!

  4. #49
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    Sep 2002
    A few little words about Sr. Vick, his world, and ours.

    Didn't bother with the 60 Minutes show-that stopwatch thing puts me on edge-like the timers on movis bombs. MV's smirk and what C&S commented on the "I'm sorry" about himself and then poor animals-only as an afterthought.

    Saw him on ESPN and he didn't look that sorry.
    The differnce between a whole hearted apology and a scripted press/rehabilitation tour is readily apparent.


    Remember who needs to hear what us fans have to say. It's the owners, the coaching staff and the players who voiced their opinion about MV.

    I always felt bad for McNabb-not so much now. THere are 51 other player on the team. I am sure that there are some who do not/will not forgive him. This effer gets 1.6 million a year? Yep, we all need a second chance. I just wonder why mine never paid so well.


    Then you go beyond the team.

    I can assure you that there is a percentage of players in the league that will
    do anything to see him get into a game this year



    I am glad that people come with their past sins tattooed on their foreheads.

    MV was a 'great guy, great footballer' and all kinds of good shiat like that.

    He was effing killing dogs and playing in the NFL at the same time.

    To him? HIs only eff up is that he got caught and went to jail. It's the same thing with pretty much any criminal.

    If you really think about it?

    I wouldn't give my car keys to any convicted car thief. I wouldn't give my wallet to an identity theif......

    It's not the 'convicted' AH you have to worry about. It's the people that you trust intimately that you have to worry about it's everyone from jocks and strangers to family alike.

  5. #50
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    I had to force myself to watch the 60 Minutes interview. If there were any true contrition, it didn't come through to me. The only *sorry* I want to hear from him is (as Gini mentioned) a portion of his salary - at least 50% to be donated to animal rescue/shelter organizations. That would be the only justification for seeing him play football and earning those big bucks and the only way to see just how sorry he is.
    Last edited by Rachel; 08-17-2009 at 11:23 AM.
    *Until one has loved an animal, a part of ones soul remains unawakened.* Anatole France

  6. #51
    He's sorry alright; a sorry excuse for a human being.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rachel View Post
    I had to force myself to watch the 60 Minutes interview.

    I thought about watching, I love the show, but could'nt bring myself
    to look at his ugly face.
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  8. #53
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    I find it hard to fathom that anyone who has read what this "man" is capable of can think Vick actually has the capability to feel "sorry" for the pain he caused them. People who can do such prolonged, repeated acts of torture on animals seem devoid of any ability to empathize, I just don't think it exists in him. I find all of it so very, very upsetting. I can only hope the scorn of the fans will prove too much, though I have doubts. I'm sure many will be taken in by the HSUS's endorsement of his "reform."
    Mom to Raven and Rudy the greyhound

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  9. #54
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    I watched the interview online and I regret it now. I hope I am not the only one who saw the start of a smirk on his face throughout the entire thing. It's now burned into my head. He has cried so many nights in jail for the guilt? I can tell you now by the look on his face throughout the interview he cried because he lost money and ruined his career. He cried because he got caught. What a sick, sick scumbag.

    The thing that did make me happy was the guy who interviewed him looked pissed and sounded pissed. It must have took ALL his strength not to punch him in the face right then and there. Kudos to him.

  10. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by K9soul View Post
    I find it hard to fathom that anyone who has read what this "man" is capable of can think Vick actually has the capability to feel "sorry" for the pain he caused them. People who can do such prolonged, repeated acts of torture on animals seem devoid of any ability to empathize, I just don't think it exists in him. I find all of it so very, very upsetting. I can only hope the scorn of the fans will prove too much, though I have doubts. I'm sure many will be taken in by the HSUS's endorsement of his "reform."
    God, I wish I hadn't read that article.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alysser View Post

    The thing that did make me happy was the guy who interviewed him looked pissed and sounded pissed. It must have took ALL his strength not to punch him in the face right then and there. Kudos to him.
    I think the interviewer was James Brown, a really good guy and a not one that will take any old answer.

    Vick "dodged a bullet" as far as his 'career' goes.
    None of us wold ever get a chance to redeem ourselves as MV has.


    Now, what I would like to know is how many other players knew he was up to something like the fighting. I know some of his cohorts also went to jail, but how many of his teammates knew?

    Having played sports a little, I know that if someone has a little side thing going on, no matter how legal, or illegal it is, someone else on the team knew about it, and as in all sinking ships?

    THe rats get off board as soon as the darn thing starts to go under.

  12. #57
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    OK-is there anything else this sick scum of the earth can do to make my blood boil???

    "Judge Approves Michael Vick's $20M Bankruptcy Plan"

    BANKRUPTCY??!!! But I'm so glad he gets to keep one house and an SUV!

    ​GO RAVENS!!

  13. #58
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    Compared to what he was earning before he got caught, and what the Eagles are now paying him, he must feel like he's at minimum wage! Don't you just feel so sorry for him??? Poor baby!

    He deserves to be living in a dog kennel - and a dirty one at that!

    Guess you know that this former Eagles fan won't be watching any of their games this season - whether scumbag Vick gets to play or not!

    Go Patriots!
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  14. #59
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    I was totally amazed at the fact that the eagles would want him on the team. They must realize it will only bring them down - in my eyes anyway. I don't feel he's paid his debt to society and should be given a second chance at all, he really doesn't get it and I don't see any remorse for what he did.

  15. #60
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    Hey I aggree with you all.. I wanted to throw up this morning when they interviewed him after his first game.. Then they talked about all the Phillys praising him.. I said Yuk Yuk Puck Puck..
    Quote Originally Posted by pomtzu View Post
    Compared to what he was earning before he got caught, and what the Eagles are now paying him, he must feel like he's at minimum wage! Don't you just feel so sorry for him??? Poor baby!

    He deserves to be living in a dog kennel - and a dirty one at that!

    Guess you know that this former Eagles fan won't be watching any of their games this season - whether scumbag Vick gets to play or not!

    Go Patriots!

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