I have an ongoing worry with my sweet little Mishka. I really need some input from my fellow Pet Talkers! Mishka seems to be a very healthy, happy kitty. He is very active and curious. He is always playing and running around with his tail sticking up straight up in the air (which is supposed to be a sign of happiness and contentment, right?). He also has a huge appetite. So all seems fine on the surface. His flatulence problem has subsided. But he still has very loose stool and quite frequently it smelly and runny - almost diarrhea. I have taken him to the vet several times. His stool was checked and was fine. He was put in Prescription Diet ID - he hates it and it hasn't make any difference at all in his stool (he's been on it for over 2 months now)
So - does anyone here know - is it just normal for some cats to have loose stool? I mean its' not your usual "tootsie roll" like but like a "paddy" (oh gosh I could only get this descriptive here..)
Should I be worried? Should I put him through all kinds of testing just in case? (the problem here is of course the $$)
Does anyone have any suggestions, please?