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Thread: Baby Allison Kay had her heart surgery, there is some good and some not so good news.

  1. #1

    Baby Allison Kay had her heart surgery, there is some good and some not so good news.

    Well some of you may remember our friends little baby was born a "blue baby" and has a heart defect which didn't allow her to pump blood through the heart, therefor she lacked oxygen etc.

    Well about a week ago little Allison had surgery. The surgery went very good, but after the surgery in 2% of cases there could be problems. Well of course they were that 2% and shortly after the surgery baby Allison suffered two seizures. One which lasted 5 minutes and another for 20 minutes. Now that seems like a long time to me, and it can't be claified by John or Angie because they are in Portland, where the operation took place. But this is what Dans aunt told him and what he relayed onto me. But you know how the information phoneline goes...

    I then heard the other day that there has been no brain damage, which is a VERY good thing!!! But she could still suffer more seizures, and still has a chance of suffering brain damage if that happens. John, the father is still up in Portland as well as her mother Angie, but John may come back next week so I will be able to gather more information.

    I really wish I could see Allison and be there to comfort her family. I can only imagine how scared they are, especially after she had the seizures. Can you imagine the sugery going well, and your baby being normal, but then having a seizure and suffering brain damage. It makes me so sad for them. They are really strong people though so I know they will get through it. I know I would be so nervous if Dylan ever had to have surgery and especially if he was just a wittle baby.

    So I am here to ask for your prayers for both her family and baby Allison Kay. I would like to forward replys to her parents so they know that people are thinking of them and praying for their baby.

    Here is my message:

    Dear Baby Allison,

    I heard that you went to Portland not too long ago to have a heart surgery. I can only imagine how hard this is on you and on your family, and I just wanted to let you know that I hope everything goes great and that you will be home very soon and learning how to crawl. I can't wait to see your cute little face again soon, and hear your precious babbling. You know your mommy and daddy, as well as your big sister Devon really love you and are doing the best they can for you. Please be strong for both yourself and your family. Dan, I, and Baby Dylan will be thinking of you and wish you a full speedy recovery. We miss you!
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  2. #2

    Some pictures of Allison and her mom :)

    Isn't she so cute!!! I just love her big cheeks too lol.
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  3. #3
    This is their other daughter, Devon.

    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Kansas, USA
    Prayers are on the way for Baby Allison and her whole family and for you too. Please keep us posted when you can.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    State College, PA
    Dear Baby Allison Kay~
    Please stay strong and get better--I know there are a lot of people on your side, rooting for you to come out on top. All of our prayers are with you and your family, sweetie!!
    Emily, Kito, Abbey, Riley, and Jada

  6. #6
    Thank you!
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Dearest baby Allison Kay,

    We are keeping you, and your sister Devon and your mommy and daddy in our thoughts and prayers. We hope the seizures will stop forever, and that you will grow up to be a beautiful girl.

    Big sister Devon, I know this is a lot of responsibility for such a little girl like you. Know, sweetheart, that momma and daddy still love you very very much, even when they're tired and are taking care of baby Allison, okay? Try to be especially good right now, and give momma and daddy extra hugs, because they really need them right now.

    Sending lots of love your way, and I'm asking all the Pet Talk Grandmas and Granpas in heaven to watch over you, I know my Mom will especially, okay?

  8. #8
    Karen, thanks very much. I will make sure to pass this on.

    I am going to print all of these out on some nice paper and make a handmade box, like a Care Package with some cards and some toys and stuffed animals for both Allison and Devon.
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  9. #9
    Good news!

    She opened her eyes today!!!!!! She's breathing on her own too. But they said that everytime she goes to the dentist she has to have antibiotics? She's also in a regular room now. Her daddy came home today, her mom is still with her. Hopefully she can come home soon.
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

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