Quote Originally Posted by mrspunkysmom View Post
Fear Retribution? Because those that think they have been wronged do stupid stuff! Revengeful stuff! Being right doesn't mean much if you are injured or dead.

Yes a few always slip through the cracks, but before someone carries a gun in my classroom or home I would like to know that they are well trained. 2nd amendment rights? I have the right to determine what someone brings on my property, something the NRA disagrees with, at least as far as guns are concerned.

Disappointing coming from you, Richard. Being an idiot has nothing to do with being sane or stable. Of course this might have to do with the personal definition of idiot. This has much less to do with common sense and intelligence and much more to do with values and social connections with people.

I'm through trading barbs. I forgot these threads are about insulting others and not having meaningful discussions about a topic of concern.

You'd be hard pressed to come up with an excuse for bringing a firearm, any firearm onto school property.

Just like the people who accidentally bring a firearm into an airport because they 'forgot'.

I know what is in my possession pretty much all of the time and if I don't, I shouldn't be worrying about retribution,
I am worried about finding a lawyer and how much this eff-for-all is gonna cost me.

I'd like to think I am sane and stable, but I have my moron/idiot moments - I am not afraid to admit that.....but I sure ain't gonna go after someone that turns me in for my stupidity. I got some bigger fish to fry.