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Thread: Sleep Apnea and CPAP masks

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Tabbyville, PA

    Sleep Apnea and CPAP masks

    Does anyone here have sleep apnea and wear a mask? If so, wha ype of mask and do you have any trouble?

    I do not have sleep apnea (when you stop breathing in your sleep), but I was diagnosed with severe snoring (so ok, I snore like a freight train and wake myself up ) and had been getting on average 5 hours of sleep a night, despite laying down for 10 hours. Lets just say I was headachy, grumpy, and always tired. The diagnosis was in October.

    We're now in January and I still can't get the mask right. I was crying in the doctor's office this morning from sheer frustration. The full face masks leak. No matter the size mask, no matter the brand, no matter how loose or tight I adjust them. Nasal masks are a smidgen better.

    I've been using a nasal pillow for the past month and actually like it. But it aggravates scar tissue on the inside of my left nostil. Actually, it feels like someone is taking sandpaper inside my nose and scratching all night long.

    I got mask number so-many-masks-tried-that-I've-lost-count this morning. Can you understandd my frustration? The newest mask is so new the doctor opened the shipping box in front of me and took ten minutes trying to figure out how to adjust it and had to read the informational booklet; then he asked me what the name and model number of it is.

  2. #2
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    Oh, goodness, I have been told by reliable sources that I snore terribly, but I sleep right through it, and thankfully, Paul can, too. In fact I warned him before I married him that if he was a light sleeper, he might wanna call the whole thing off. Thankfully, he could sleep through a tornado, no problem!

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  3. #3
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    My son uses a CPAP, but doesn't use the full mask. I don't know what it's called, but it's made of silicone and fits into the entrance to each nostril, so it's not at all bulky or stiff or restrictive. He likes it much better than the mask. Don't know if you understand what I'm trying to get across, but I really don't have a name for it.
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  4. #4
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    My husband has a nose piece called Comfort Classic. It fits over his nose & he has a harness that fits over the back of his head. The harness is attached on his forehead to a sponge type of material that is very soft & holds the top of the nose piece in place. The bottom strap attaches to the nose piece & can be adjusted. The head piece has velcro to make adjustments on the forehead & on the nose piece there are places where the strap goes through so it can be tightened to fit properly on both sides. I hope this is maybe helpful.

    Do you dream? We were told when you dream you are in the deepest part of your sleep & should wake up well rested.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonny View Post

    Do you dream? We were told when you dream you are in the deepest part of your sleep & should wake up well rested.
    I dream vivid dreams several times a night. Every night. I still wake up tired because my dreams are interrupted by snores

    Pomtzu, it sounds as if your son uses a nasal pillow l ike me. I like it, I just wish it didn't irritate my sinuses. I keep squirting gel and such in my nose to help with the pain but its not enough. Sigh.

  6. #6
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    I know three people that were dx'd with SA and used the CPAP. All three of them struggled with the fit, the sleeping on the back, and had minimal relief from it. All three of them went on to lose significant amounts of weight (two of these three people were a couple, not everyone I know loses weight), and all three of them are sleeping fine, and feeling rested, without the CPAP. I don't know that any of them went back to the sleep doctor or not, so I don't know if the SA went 'away' or is dormant, or what.

  7. #7
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    My brother had severe sleep apnea, unfortunately he never splurged for the machine, he died at 51, I often wonder if the lack of oxygen at night led to his heart problems, he wasn't a smoker nor a drinker and he wasn't overweight at all.
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  8. #8
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    I just got a new mask not long ago, gave up (reluctantly) one I really liked. This one is almost as good. I will check the brand. It has a little smaller gel pad that fits the bridge of my nose better than my old one, and it fits just about the same on the sides.
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    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

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  9. #9
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    Kim, it took me almost a month to get used to the mask and how to tweak it, and all. Now it's like brushing my teeth. It does take some time, and I know how frustrating it is.

    Are there other alternatives to the machine? Breathe-right strips? Sometimes a minor surgery that removes polyps or etc helps snoring as well. There are also dental devices that position the jaw differently to help intake of air.

    Did the doctor say what is causing it?

    I hope you get some answers soon.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catty1 View Post
    Are there other alternatives to the machine? Breathe-right strips? Sometimes a minor surgery that removes polyps or etc helps snoring as well. There are also dental devices that position the jaw differently to help intake of air.

    Did the doctor say what is causing it?
    My problem is my seriously screwed up sinuses. they're what cause a lot of my migraines. I had surgery 2 years ago that helped, but now have scar tissue to deal with and am NOT having repeat surgery due to fear of more/worse scar tissue. The surgery repaired a deviated septum and its just as bad now as before the first surgery.

    The funny thing is, I gained a ton of weight because of the snoring. I was always so tired and resorted to lots of sugary and fattening foods for comfort and quick zips of pep. I stopped walking Callie 2-4 miles a day. I just slept (badly), worked, watched tv, and repeated the same day over and over again.

    I already see my normal energy levels coming back (I honestly expected my energy to increase sooner) and I'm looking forward to losing the weight I gained from the lack of sleep.

    I just can't wait to find the right mask. As it is, my insurance won't allow me to switch styles anymore. the doctor's office is working with me and letting me "borrow" masks until I find the right one, and then they'll let me borrow it permanently until insurance does cover the change.

  11. #11
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    Our son sleeps with some kind of sleep machine that the sleep center sent home with him after the testing. It helps some but not as much as he was hoping. Luckily he does fine on a couple hours sleep a night. He actually falls asleep on his feet during the day if he gets more than a couple hours of sleep, something the doctors are still trying to regulate. I just hate to see him behind the wheel of his car never knowing if he'll nod off. Lucky his job is very accomodating.
    I don't know if this will be of any help to people with a snoring problem but we bought buckwheat pillows 2 yrs ago and both my husband and our son have stopped snoring completely since they've been using them.

    I've been frosted--- thank you Cassie'smom

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  12. #12
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    I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and the doctor suggested the mask but I said absolutely not until we've tried surgery. I was only 27 and I didn't think having an elephant nose on at night was in any way sexy. How would I ever find a husband with a contraption like that?? For me, the surgery option worked wonders and now I only snore mildly, and only if I'm congested or have been drinking. Not sure if this helps, but perhaps a mask isn't the only option.

    Good luck, I know how frustrating it is to always be tired and never feeling any relief.

  13. #13
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    I use the nasal mask, and underneath it I wear a chin strap. This combo might work for you, Kim. The chin strap keeps the jaw from opening and causing an air pressure leak.

    Hope you get a good fit soon!
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  14. #14
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    Candace, I have absolutely no problem keeping my mouth closed (at least while sleeping - I have trouble keeping my mouth shut during the day )

    My leaking problem stems from the silicone seal not setting properly on my skin. In order to have it seal right, I have to tighten the straps sooooo veerrrryyyy tight on the full face and nasal masks. that puts pressure on my sinuses that are along the cheek bones, and hurts. You should see me in the morning after tigtening -- bright red welts across my face that take at least 4 hours to go away. Loosen the straps so they don't hurt? I have leaks

    Nasal pillows actually seal really well for me (YAY!), and the straps can be left a lot looser so they're comfy (YAY! YAY!). I am just having the hardest time finding ones that fit my nostril at the right angle so as to not hit my scar tissue. The new one I tried last night sealed pretty well, was comfortable in my nose, fell at a food angle, but left nice big welts on my cheeks from the straps, which is unusual for a nasal pillow *Sigh*

    I swore this was going to be easy. Hubby got his mask, put it, on went to sleep, and life was good. The doctor said 90% of people have no trouble and keep the first mask. The other 10% are like me -- lots of trial and error. and if not for the scar tissue, I'd have found the right mask a onth ago

  15. #15
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    Just back from the doctor with yet another new mask HELP!

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