Hi there Huey! Happy Cat of the Day to you, you hunky MC boy, you!!! What a beautiful boy you are, inside and out! It was great hearing from your Mommy and your Grandmom today, hehe...two very happy, very proud ladies, and for good reason! Not only are you incredibly handsome (with the lonnngest tail) and a love bug, but your heart is as big as they come! What a wonderful thing to do, dedicating part of your days to helping those in need with your therapy work, and you get to "go to work" with your Mommy; how cool is that! What a team!
I'm so happy we had the chance to meet you today, Huey; to learn of your wonderful life and all that you mean to your family...make your Mom and Grandma smile!
Enjoy your much deserved day of honor, sweetheart! Hope you and Phoebe and all of your furry sibs are having a very special day, being loved and spoiled to the max!!! Hugs and kisses to you precious Huey, and to Phoebe and the whole furry gang!