Thread: Politics and religion.

  1. I said nothing about the "same opportunity". I said the "same working conditions."

    Big difference.

    Most union employees - private or public work very hard as well.

    Your attitude toward those who are not you is typical.

    Your attitude is precisely the reason some employees feel the need for a union.

    People do not like patronizing elitists.

    Go figure....

  2. #3002
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edwina's Secretary View Post
    I said nothing about the "same opportunity". I said the "same working conditions."

    Big difference.

    Most union employees - private or public work very hard as well.

    Your attitude toward those who are not you is typical.

    Your attitude is precisely the reason some employees feel the need for a union.
    I think that when a person chooses to join a union, that act is the one of denying themselves the working conditions I enjoy. I never forced anyone to join a union.

    Did I ever say that most don't work hard? Of course I didn't. You need that the be the paradigm so your arguement works. The 'bad guy' to you has to be MEAN. You 'progressives' are so predictable. Everyone is some sort of victim, except the people who actually make it to the top. Success is bad for the people who are not, right?

    I'd never, ever, hold any one back who wants to really chase their own happiness. When you really shoot for that star, you are going to fall down, often. If you wait around for somebody top pick you up, you get passed.

    So, if that is the attitude you are talking about, my belief that any individual can attain whatever their dreams are, on their own...*** Wicked.

    ETA: Allow me to preclude a possible responce. I realized that something I said could be taken the wrong way.

    "On their own"... Of course I did not get where I am ALL on my own. I have a supportive family, friends, vendors, employees, and clients who helped us (us, my employees benefit as well... Bringing others along on my success if you will.) I am on my own in that the only group I belong to that helps me along is being a United States Citizen.

    Nothing can compete with free individuals chasing their dreams. THAT is something I can get united on.
    Last edited by Puckstop31; 02-26-2011 at 07:47 PM. Reason: Added thought.
    "Unlike most of you, I am not a nut."

    - Homer Simpson

    "If the enemy opens the door, you must race in."

    - Sun Tzu - Art of War

  3. #3003
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    Unions are a bunch of commo's here.
    They'll not give a second thought about sending an honest businessman or employer broke.
    When I had my building company I never hired a union member. Why ???
    Because they are troublemakers and think that the world owes them a living.
    Not true. I studied at night for 7 long years plus worked physically on building sites by day to get my licence, whilst others sat in the pub and drank beer all day.
    Do I owe them ???? Nope....nothing.
    The men I employed, worked hard, were paid well, and everyone was happy.
    No unionists in my outfit. Ya wanna join the union ??? Then hang up ya hammer, cos ya ain't welcome in my team.

  4. #3004
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    Quote Originally Posted by Puckstop31 View Post
    I think that when a person chooses to join a union, that act is the one of denying themselves the working conditions I enjoy. I never forced anyone to join a union.

    Did I ever say that most don't work hard? Of course I didn't. You need that the be the paradigm so your arguement works. The 'bad guy' to you has to be MEAN. You 'progressives' are so predictable. Everyone is some sort of victim, except the people who actually make it to the top. Success is bad for the people who are not, right?

    I'd never, ever, hold any one back who wants to really chase their own happiness. When you really shoot for that star, you are going to fall down, often. If you wait around for somebody top pick you up, you get passed.

    So, if that is the attitude you are talking about, my belief that any individual can attain whatever their dreams are, on their own...*** Wicked.

    ETA: Allow me to preclude a possible responce. I realized that something I said could be taken the wrong way.

    "On their own"... Of course I did not get where I am ALL on my own. I have a supportive family, friends, vendors, employees, and clients who helped us (us, my employees benefit as well... Bringing others along on my success if you will.) I am on my own in that the only group I belong to that helps me along is being a United States Citizen.

    Nothing can compete with free individuals chasing their dreams. THAT is something I can get united on.
    Pucky, Do you have profit sharing & benefits in your business? Years ago I worked for a small privately owned publishing company they did have union workers with apprentices that eventually worked their way into the union (bindery & pressmen). Just curious to know how things have changed over the last 46 years with small business which I would rather work for any day But with the option to join a union too.

  5. #3005
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonny View Post
    Pucky, Do you have profit sharing & benefits in your business? Years ago I worked for a small privately owned publishing company they did have union workers with apprentices that eventually worked their way into the union (bindery & pressmen). Just curious to know how things have changed over the last 46 years with small business which I would rather work for any day But with the option to join a union too.
    Yes. At the end of the year, we give all employees a bonus based on net profit and time with the company. Nothing is guaranteed on that front, but we are open about it. We give a run down of the yearly financials at a special meeting in January. We also offer a health insurance plan and a 401k (Oppenheimer) with a 3% company match.

    Also, we all get automatic raises for earning Microsoft certifications that help us get new competencies in the Microsoft Partner Program. That is a open offer and totally on the employee to do.
    "Unlike most of you, I am not a nut."

    - Homer Simpson

    "If the enemy opens the door, you must race in."

    - Sun Tzu - Art of War

  6. #3006
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    The incentive to improve yourself as an employee & adding to the companies progressiveness is right up there. A+++

  7. What uppity hooey.

    Apparently some people's knowledge of American history and what made this country great does not include the industrial revolution. (Pity. But then, it goes with the incorrect use of "paradigm" and the bad spelling. Education is everything!)

    But it might help them understand this quote (which yes, I have quoted before)..."as you are to the least of my shall you be onto me."

    I have represented management in election campaigns with the Teamsters, the UAW, the Machinists. I have negotiated union contracts with (not against) the Teamsters, Machinists, IBEW, and the CTM. I have "won" more than I "lost."

    Let me make something clear - I am the granddaughter of a poor immigrant. But I am not a victim. I own my own company. I have never belonged to a union. No one in my family has ever belonged to a union. Everyone in my family is a college graduate with a professional career.

    But every member of my family understands what it means to struggle to achieve. They understand the need for a level playing field.

    I do not expect others to be just like me. There are far more intelligent and capable people than me. And there are those who have not had the advantages I have had. And there are people who work for employers that deserve unions. And there are people who work for employers that do not deserve unions.

    That doesn't make them victims. Nor inferior. Nor superior.

    But I cannot abide people who say..."I did not need a union - so no one else does."

    Elitist. Arrogant. Ignorant.

  8. #3008
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    This is my last post on the topic. So, feel free to get the last word when I am done if your little ego requires it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Edwina's Secretary View Post
    What uppity hooey.

    Apparently some people's knowledge of American history and what made this country great does not include the industrial revolution. (Pity. But then, it goes with the incorrect use of "paradigm" and the bad spelling. Education is everything!)
    And I'm the elitist? LOL

    "Education is EVERYthing?"

    Again... I'M the elitist? Bill Gates may beg to differ. But what do I know?

    Of course I know the history of the industrial revolution. What, are you trying to get me to say "that was then and this is now?"

    But it might help them understand this quote (which yes, I have quoted before)..."as you are to the least of my shall you be onto me."
    Wow. You know my charitable giving habits? Smart AND clairvoyant! WOW!

    Yes, i'm a big meanie because I want people to succeed.

    Just because I don't agree with you, i'm a big evil meanie? Again, you 'progressive' types are SO predictable. The "other guys" HAVE to be mean for your arguement to hold water.

    And there are people who work for employers that deserve unions. And there are people who work for employers that do not deserve unions.

    That doesn't make them victims. Nor inferior. Nor superior.

    But I cannot abide people who say..."I did not need a union - so no one else does."
    This is why progressives always lose the arguement when it sees the light of day. You always have to turn the tables on the arguement and put words into peoples mouths. Did I say no one else deserves a union? Nope. All I am saying is that when a person makes a choice to join a union, there are benefits and there are consequneces. Period.

    As to public employee unions.... I've said I do not agree with how the WI governor is trying to do this. But I DO agree that a public employee union cannot have the same unlimited bargaining rights as a union that works "with" a private company.

    Elitist. Arrogant. Ignorant.
    As it always is if one does not agree with the all knowing ES.

    How do you get away with calling people names? I want in on that cabal.
    "Unlike most of you, I am not a nut."

    - Homer Simpson

    "If the enemy opens the door, you must race in."

    - Sun Tzu - Art of War

  9. #3009
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    So, what does everyone think of Charlie Sheen?
    No matter what anyone does, someone some where will be offended some how!!!!
    Grandma (RB), Chester, Angel, Chip

    Leonardo (RB), Luke (RB), Winnie, Chuck,



  10. #3010
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    Quote Originally Posted by Puckstop31 View Post
    This is my last post on the topic. So, feel free to get the last word when I am done if your little ego requires it.
    As you slide down the bannister of life Pucky, you will sometimes get a splinter in the butt. But never mind old mate, it's just dead wood.

  11. #3011
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    Quote Originally Posted by momoffuzzyfaces View Post
    So, what does everyone think of Charlie Sheen?
    I really don't know what happened. There is another thread that says "2 men and a kid" has been axed because he went nuts or something ????
    Can anyone enlighten me ???
    I mean, I've always liked him....I think he's a good actor.

  12. #3012
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    Quote Originally Posted by momoffuzzyfaces View Post
    So, what does everyone think of Charlie Sheen?
    I think Charlie and Moamer Kadhafi are cut from the same cloth. They both appear to be delusional, totally out of touch with reality

  13. #3013
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grace View Post
    I think Charlie and Moamer Kadhafi are cut from the same cloth. They both appear to be delusional, totally out of touch with reality
    Gaddafi is a ratbag....he always has been.

  14. #3014
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    Kadhafi was saying on the news that all the protesters in his country really LOVE him. Yea, right! So why are you killing them bird brain?
    No matter what anyone does, someone some where will be offended some how!!!!
    Grandma (RB), Chester, Angel, Chip

    Leonardo (RB), Luke (RB), Winnie, Chuck,



  15. #3015
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    Quote Originally Posted by wombat2u2004 View Post
    I really don't know what happened. There is another thread that says "2 men and a kid" has been axed because he went nuts or something ????
    Can anyone enlighten me ???
    I mean, I've always liked him....I think he's a good actor.
    It's been an escalating cycle of acting out, culminating in the last week or so with several media interviews, in which he said all sorts of regrettable things sounding pretty egotistical, and maybe insane, insulting the shows producers and staff, etc.. See any US "entertainment" site for more info ...
    I've Been Frosted

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