Douglas MacKinnon - http://campaignstops.blogs.nytimes.c...las-mackinnon/
Also - Douglas MacKinnon
By The Editors
Douglas MacKinnon was a press secretary to former Senator Bob Dole. He was also a writer for Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush and a special assistant for policy and communications in the Defense Department. He has worked on three presidential campaigns and is the author, most recently, of “The Apocalypse Directive,” a novel.
That is not the source link.
That is a source link.
FWIW I agree with him.
Where was the Huffington Post, they also picked this Douglas Mackinnon OpEd piece, when the chimp pics where circulated about the former POTUS? Where was any MSM outrage over those pics?
Is it OK to compare the POTUS or his wife to a primate because they are white but not OK when they are a minority? Why the double standard?
Last edited by blue; 06-19-2009 at 12:22 AM. Reason: Had to correct the quote.
I have to say this...
When people do the "I was raised in a black neighborhood and married a Mexican" line in a story, I stop reading.
Why not.....
"I was born and raised in a home that taught me to rise above whatever I lacked in life and to try and become successful........"
I really get tired of the "I was this, then, I am not that, now!"
Everyone is 'where' they came from, that will never change. The only thing that does change is a zip code, maybe? And that weird sense of trying to equate your wife, job and mortgage - that other people could never afford- to justify your niche in the world.
Isn't that what we all are supposed to do?
Grow up and do better than our parents, the more, the better!
Years ago I stopped playing the martyr game.
All my pride and the "I was born a poor kid" was really a slam against my parents. They gave me the best they could and told me to get off my arse and do something with my life.....
So, when I hear the "poor kid/effed up neighborhood" excuse, I wonder why more people don't realize that instead of starting out with the pity party statement, they should thank the parents that started the whole ball rolling.
And that stupid BaBa boxer told a military officer she was grilling not to call her, "Ma'am". She earned her title and should be addressed as such.
I am not going to tell the joke I want to.
People go Street Rat Crazy!
Cool out Baba and grab a smoothie, you moron.
This country has proven over and over that liars, murderers, and lawbreakers can become senators.
I have alot more respect for Brigadier General Michael Walsh then a petty senator who interupted him to dress him down for calling her Ma'am.
Brigadier General is a Rank one earns, a senator is the winner of a popularity contest.
Edit: A Rank is Earned through merit. A title, like senator, is something won, like in a popularity contest.
Last edited by blue; 06-20-2009 at 12:48 AM. Reason: Clarification.
I cannot stand any of the state's senators.
They are both women who's opinion of themselves far exceeds the reality.
I hope one day she needs the help from a member of the armed forces.
I think she is past the point of being street rat crazy......she may want to get two shakes, one for her pie hole, the other for her pants.
Nice essay, but what about the message of the article? The author
told about two separate occasions where two "major players" of the GOP
openly made racist comments about the President & First Lady. This kind
of stuff hurts the GOP. They are killing themseves as a political party.
And that is a good thing. It's better than having a nominee for the SC saying that a hispanic woman has more insight that a plain vanilla, chocolate or strawberry gal! That takes testes bigger that what I own.
When people make stupid statements in front of me, That is a relief, I know who the AHs are.
What happens when a Major Player acts like an AH in front of a Brig. General by telling him he is wrong in the way he has addressed her?
Nothing really, we know now to avoid the Boxer because she is frothing at the mouth?
I guess all the white and black women are useless to the government because they aren't as experienced as some dumb "latina"?
Every body has that little corner deep inside their hearts where they hold their dislike of a person, race, religion, politics, hair color, clothes, food, home, job and car.
People can say what they want about me, where I came from and everything else.
I just find that people that have to justify their "oneness with the planet" as being a bunch of effing 'victocrats' who need to include the fact that they got a box of food from the local VFW and a christmas tree from the food bank to show that they were poor.
Now, I can say that I have had relations with someone not of my own race and moved out of my poor childhood neighborhood?
Does that make me any more experienced that you?
How does that make anyone feel to hear that some Latina is smarter and more experienced that a white gal? Another brown or black gal?
Nope, I don't buy it.
At first I was bothered....I read on PetTalk that Senator Boxer did not want to be called ma'am....
A little truth in whine is in order!
She told the General she wanted to be called Senator. Just as I am willing to bet the General expects to be called...General.
Whether I agree with either of them is beside the point.
Both are entitled to be called by the title they have earned. General for him...Senator for her.
Not too complicated really!
I am more than happy to send anyone a gift certificate for an ANTI-STREET-RAT-CRAZY smoothie.
Gosh, this may be a pandemic.
Ild be more then happy to help pay for the coupons if it helps keep the Street Rat Crazies at bay.
If madam Boxer had been respectful to the General, who actualy worked to earn his Rank and not worked to win a popularity contest like she did, you might have a point.
Madam Boxer decided to disrespect a high Ranking member of our countries military to put him in what she saw is his place.
Not to complicated for you?
Last edited by blue; 06-20-2009 at 12:05 AM. Reason: clarification.
Oh, I could see her dropping her smoothie had Herr General been disrespectful, But to call someone out, in front of cameras, media and the world because she thought she was being disrespected shows that she has no class, decorum or brains.
She obviously was not in a good mood-Hmmmm, I wonder if she is SRC, or what?
Had it been a man (Mister, Senator or Sir) that called out a woman about his honorific, he would have been drawn and quartered over the incident.
Me thinks that the Lady Rep from the state of Cah lee fuh nee ah should stay away from undies of the smaller or thong variety.
Again with the "whine" comments.... Tis' a healthy ego you have. I reckon thats why you like our President. I learned a long time ago, ego is a dangerous thing to have when dealing with serious stuff.
Did you listen to the audio of this incident? "She worked so hard to "earn" that title." Please. The General didn't?
Democrat and Republican alike... Arrogance like this is why the people are restless.
"Unlike most of you, I am not a nut."
- Homer Simpson
"If the enemy opens the door, you must race in."
- Sun Tzu - Art of War
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