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Thread: Corkscrew is sick again. Long Overdue Update 8/27

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Middle of Germany
    I'm so sorry to learn that both Corkscrew and Tibby are seriously ill. I'll keep them in my thoughts and hope they will soon get better.

    Any ideas what caused their liver problems? I think it is really strange that both of them have this.


  2. #47
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    Continuing prayers for Corkscrew and Tibby..
    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    trenton, new jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by phesina View Post
    Continuing prayers for Corkscrew and Tibby..
    From here, too

  4. #49
    Many prayers going up for Corkscrew and Tibby and you, too. Keep the faythe.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  5. #50
    Join Date
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    trenton, new jersey
    How are Corkscrew and Tibby doing today?

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Tucson, Az
    Corkscrew hasn't really changed at all. He isn't doing better but at least he isn't worse. He's lethargic but he is at least well enough that he wants attention and still spends his nights cuddled up with me in my bed.

    Tibby who both the vet and I thought might not make it is really improving. She is still jaundiced so she isn't totally out of the woods yet, but she has been starting to eat food on her own! The last two night I've been able to get her to eat treats and this morning she ate some canned food on her own. She also is way more alert and even has some playful moments. Her eating on her own though is a very good sign so I'm very happy.
    I've been Defrosted!

    Thanks for the great signature Kay!

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Middle of Germany
    What a relieve to read that Tibby is doing better! Hope that Corkscrew will also begin to improve!

    I'll keep both of them in my thoughts!


  8. #53
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    New Zealand
    sending some positive vibes and good thoughts for your kitties to get well , i know where you are at, with having two of mine not too good either, it is very worrying for you, giant hugs and tons and tons of get well wishes for the kitties, take care, thinking of you.
    Furangels only lent.
    RIP my gorgeous Sooti, taken from us far too young, we miss your beautiful face and purssonality,take care of Ash for us, love you xx000❤️❤️

    RIP my beautiful Ash,your pawprints are forever in my heart, love and miss you so much my big boy. ❤️❤️

    RIP my sweet gorgeous girl Ellie-Mae, a little battler to the end, you will never ever be forgotten, your little soul is forever in my heart, my thoughts, my memories, my love for you will never die, Love you my darling little precious girl.❤️❤️

    RIP our sweet Nikita taken suddenly ,way too soon ,you were a special girl we loved you so much ,miss you ❤️❤️

    RIP my beautiful Lexie, 15 years of unconditional love you gave us, we loved you so much, and miss you more than words can say.❤️❤️

    RIP beautiful Evee Ray Skye ,my life will never be the same with out you ,I loved you so much, I will never forget you ,miss you my darling .❤️❤️

  9. #54
    Join Date
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    Happy Valley, Utah
    I'm very sorry to hear that both Corkscrew and Tibby are sick. I hope they'll be feeling better soon, I'll be keeping them in my thoughts.

  10. #55
    Join Date
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    Santa Paula, CA
    Laura, thanks for keeping us updated about them. I'm so glad to hear that Tibby is starting to eat on her own and I hope that she'll continue to improve. I hope that Corkscrew will start improving and be able to eat on his own very soon. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent their way.

    Does your vet know what may have caused this?

  11. #56
    Join Date
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    Tucson, Az
    The vet isn't really sure what caused this. With Corkscrew his thyroid levels here high so there is a possibility that might be the cause. Corkscrew also gets stressed really easily. For almost all of May I had various house guests, one with a very loud dog. So it is also possible that he was so stressed out he stopped eating which caused his liver to stop working.

    With Tibby we are clueless as to why she is sick. We ran more tests on her then we did Corkscrew but everything came back negative. Our only other option is to run more expensive tests however I don't have any more money so it really isn't an option for me. Thankfully Tibby is starting to get better and is acting more like her normal self.
    I've been Defrosted!

    Thanks for the great signature Kay!

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Uabassoon View Post
    The vet isn't really sure what caused this. With Corkscrew his thyroid levels here high so there is a possibility that might be the cause. Corkscrew also gets stressed really easily. For almost all of May I had various house guests, one with a very loud dog. So it is also possible that he was so stressed out he stopped eating which caused his liver to stop working.

    With Tibby we are clueless as to why she is sick. We ran more tests on her then we did Corkscrew but everything came back negative. Our only other option is to run more expensive tests however I don't have any more money so it really isn't an option for me. Thankfully Tibby is starting to get better and is acting more like her normal self.
    I've found that stress can be a big factor too. I'm also dealing with a cat that won't eat. My baby girl Ziggy went to the vet on Sun. for her annual exam and as of last night she's not eating or eating very little. She's also lethargic and just not her normal active or hungry self. Her nickname is "Ziggy The Piggy" because she loves food so much. She becomes very stressed out at the vets so I'm thinking that this must have caused her to become ill. If she doesn't improve by tomorrow morning, I'm taking her back to the vet for another check up.

    I hope that Corkscrew's thyroid levels become normal again and aren't the cause for his illness. It sure would help if our furkids could just tell us what's wrong.Take care. (((HUGS)))

  13. #58
    Join Date
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    Tucson, Az
    I know that this update is long overdue, but better late than never! I had been forcefeeding and giving Corkscrew sub-q fluids for two months and I was starting to think that he was never going to get better. I finally had to give myself a cut off date, I told myself that if he wasn't eating on his own by the end of the first week of August I was going to have to put his down. Just like the last time, the death threat worked! A day before I had planned to put him down he started eating on his own It's been a couple weeks now and he is finally back to his old self again!

    It is still very exciting for me when I see him fighting with Tibby or biting at my toes demanding that I top off his bowl with fresh food. I just wanted to thank everyone who prayed and sent caring thoughts my way
    I've been Defrosted!

    Thanks for the great signature Kay!

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    OMG! I am so happy to read this update!! Was any reason ever found for his lack of appetite??
    I force fed a cat (Mr meow) for 3 weeks straight, once, but never for as long as CorkScrew. Thank heavens for your persistance.

  15. #60
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    Tucson, Az
    Nope, we never figured out what caused both him and Tibby to get sick. Tibby recovered very quickly, after just a couple of weeks. All my friends were shocked at how long I kept it up with Corkscrew. It was rough, but well worth it. He is my heart kitty and my baby and I didn't want to give up hope on him.
    I've been Defrosted!

    Thanks for the great signature Kay!

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