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Thread: Tito's "little sister" the rescue is home!! And she's a tiny little kitty

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    Tito's "little sister" the rescue is home!! NOW WITH PICS


    Tito's little "sister" is HOME! We got her here about 2 hours ago. She's a bobtailed brown tabby. We decided to name her Sophie. Here's her story so far, will post pics tomorrow!! I'd do it tonight but I left my digital camera at my apartment! :-( We're keeping her at boyfriend's until she goes to the vet and gets flea meds and shots.

    She was very dirty, gunk in her eyes, etc. She's underweight (I can feel her hipbones), and is young enough her eyes are still blue. She is about 4 weeks old and only had a mom for 2 weeks before the mom got killed. She's lively, though, meowing and pouncing and bathing herself. She hasn't gone to the bathroom yet, so I don't know how that's going to go. She does have fleas so we gave her a bath and cleaned her eyes up and put a flea collar on her. her belly is also very round and I heard that can be a sign of worms. she has a vet appt. on Monday morning and we're going to bring a stool sample, start her shots, get flea meds etc.

    So cute though!!! She's gobbling up wet kitten food and drinking a little water from a shallow bowl. I tried to trim her nails (they're really long
    ) but she wasn't having it. She's sleeping in a shoebox with half the lid cut off and an old worn t-shirt of mine in the bottom. She likes it b/c she can hide and feel safe in there. By the way did I mention she's a bobtail? It's so cute!!!! She wags her little stump all the time. More tomorrow!
    Last edited by lizzielou742; 05-09-2004 at 02:16 PM.

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