My Biology teacher, whom I don't have the greatest liking of, says that animals can't actually love their owners. This is her opinion, not a fact.. which to me her opinions mean nothing, since she always seems to think her opinions are factual.

Anyways, what do you think? Can animals love their owners?

In my opinion, I think they can. I think it's complete B.S. when she says they can't. I'm not sure about everyone else, but I can feel love between my dogs and I. And If it's not love, then I have no idea what it is.

If it's not love, what is it? What makes them wag their tail when I just quickly glance at them? What is it when I come home and their whole bodies are wiggling to see me. What is it when I cry and the come to comfort me?


To me it's pretty obvious she's never owned a dog. (she's allergic anyways)

Now, maybe a goldfish can't necessarily 'love' their owners -- but definitely cats, dogs, birds, rats.. and others.

That's my opinion..

What's yours?