Growing up in El Lay I saw some really interesting animals from time to time.

One day I was walking out to my car and saw a LARGE flock of geese fly overhead - I got up to 100+ and gave up counting....When I 'came to', I realized that I was standing in the parking lot with my mouth wide open, staring up at the sky.

One of the most enjoyable things about my adopted town is the variety of animals I have had the pleasure of being able to see. From a chipmunk - I had never seen one of THOSE before - under a log, to a turtle that I saved from being run over near the park. I also have seen a possum, a rabbit that lives across the street that makes an appearance from time to time.

Late at night during the winter months (Winter Has Come?) there are deer that walk past the house, looking for plants to eat!

My favorite animals are the birds - especially the geese that come by this time of year!
I told the story about the car alarm going off in a parking lot.....when I looked to find the car?

It was some geese, aimlessly wandering the area!

I also drove by a school parking lot and happened to look up and see a group walking around - I drove over and managed to get within ten feet of the group - They were probably as amused by the idiot in the car as the idiot in the car was amused by them? (I don't carry my cell phone around and I was a little upset about that, but one of these days......)

Two weeks ago I happened to look up and watched a three groups of geese lazily fly over. It was fun, I wondered where they had been, where they were going and how many miles they would travel to get to where they were going!

In town there are some little areas that are fenced off and a perfect spot to get a 'gander' at these beautiful animals.

D and I were out and happened to watch a flight of geese drop into one of the ponds - It reminded me that the times, they are a changin' and when the geese begin to show up?

It's time to look into the closet and drag out the long sleeves and pant legs.

Winter IS coming......

I just hope those pesky dragons keep their distance!