Hubby opened an email today....... from someone he didn't know.... and it unleashed a mass of destruction on my poor widdle computer.

Lets just say, we have images we would prefer not to look at. It keeps popping up, I keep getting sound bites from commercials... Target, Duracel, etc. Its NOT pretty. It has infected my computer so that I can't do a system restore and it won't let me update or reinstall my virus protection. The only thing it let me do is run a spyware scan, which did nothing to help the matter.

I think there's a way to find out what programs are running and disable them. I have no idea what to do.... I know about Control/Alt/Delete to get to running programs, but what ones do I need? How do I know which ones might be the viruses? and how do I keep them from starting up on their own again?

UGH -- I want to wring hubby's neck. He KNOWS better.

Help help help!!!!