Quote Originally Posted by Catty1 View Post
"if she passes"

Now, let's put that one step forward, and focus on a healthy and happy Sydney!

PLEASE ask your vet about Regressin and if it can be tried in this type of cancer.

And consider getting some Transfer Factor - you can PM Emeraldgreen about it.


So I finnaly received the Transfer Factor Plus in the mail, when I go into the vet next week i am going to bring it with me. Emeraldgreen has told me some wonderful stuff about it, and I am just going to make sure that it wont effect the medicine she is on. It appears to be a super supplement that boosts ones natural immunity. This may be exactly what she needs since the next chemo drug she is on actually is really harsh on her immunity. As for the Regression, I asked my vet about it and she stated that because Sydney's tumor is in her sinus cavities, they would not be able to administer it effectivly. Hopefully the Transfer Factor will be a success. I hope that you are doing well and thanks for the encouragement!