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Thread: Malamute or Husky for adoption in MI

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    Jun 2001

    Malamute or Husky for adoption in MI

    There is a dog i've been helping to try to re-home. She has even been placed on Petfinder classifieds. In two months only two people have wrote in about her. One was looking for her lost Husky, the other was almost certainly a scammer evading most of the questions asked of her.

    Koli is in Bay County, MI. Spayed. You may contact her legal guardian at earthfirenospam*ATsymbol* for an application or to ask questions. (She's pretty much a group effort rescue by no one charity or individual.)

    At this point outside help is welcomed. "Does anyone know of some trustworthy northern breed rescues from around the state that could be contacted? Currently I'm waiting to hear back from a friend who knows a breeder (whom I've met in the past) that might help with the rescue. (I'd trust this friend with my life and know where they stand on how animals should be treated, so i'm not worried.)"

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Koli is a three to five year old Malamute or Husky, possibly a mix. Black and white. About 50lbs. Stocky build. She was a stray picked up by the animal control so I know nothing of her background. I’ve been fostering her to find out about her personality. She is very loving to humans and somewhat submissive. She is very intelligent and a quick learner. She seems to understand almost every sentence you can utter. Seems to be OK with kids. She has a VERY high prey drive though so she won’t be going to a home with small children. She has been very successful in her hunts. She *might* be OK with birds, but I can’t guarantee that. She currently is afraid of other dogs and to counter that attacks them. We are working on this with her and we are enrolled in an obedience class. She needs lots of exercise and will run and not come back when you call her so she’ll need a securely fenced yard. She would LOVE a jogging partner or possibly someone experienced in working with her breed to give her a job to do. She enjoys being outside very much but also strives for the companionship and security the indoors offers. She is happiest when she gets to enjoy both on and off for a few hours at a time. (Two to four hours here, then there.) She would like someone that wants to share both worlds with her. (She does know how to get into trouble alone outside, but seems to be a well mannered house dog.) She seems to be house broken and when she chooses a spot to use outside she’ll return to that one spot if you clean it daily. Also, she is not for someone who wants a beautiful lawn. She is a turf thrower when she’s done going potty. And a turf thrower she is!

    Update Nov. 14th, 2006: I might consider adopting Koli to people with small animals after all. They must understand the risk they’d be taking though and understand the commitment involved. She has shown a lot of self control the past few days in not going after the squirrels; even when I encouraged her to one time (she declined and instead asked to go inside for a treat.) Also, after reading my ad I realize I hardly described her as the cute and fuzzy lovable dog I fell in love with at the pound. She is a great cuddle bug and gives warm soft kisses on occasion when they mean something. She also knows when you are hurt most of the time and will see what she can do to help. She feels really bad if she was the one to cause the pain. (We get a bit riled up during play. One time she ran over my hand to chase a ball and she was already turning around by the time the “Owe” even escaped me.) She takes treats really gentle and is not food aggressive. I can put my hand right in her bowl (to make sure she doesn’t forget I do this once a week.) She was protective of her fresh kills though, but I wouldn’t have expected less. It wasn’t even so protective that I felt I had anything to worry about (I would have been worried though if it had been a child going up to her.) Her nose is a counter surfer, but her tongue and fangs don’t follow :- ) (Then again she knows I’ll give her some if she waits long enough.) We’ve had no incidents with her going in the trash, but I wouldn’t put it past her. I definitely have to say that she is house trained. She was sick this past week (my fault) and was able to make it out each time. She continues to not get into anything around the house that isn’t given to her.

    More than likely I will not do out of state adoptions. For the right person, the surrounding states might be considered.

    Read over the dog’s description (and requirements.) Talk with family members and see if they think she’ll fit into your lifestyle. Does everyone agree? Fill out the application and email it to me. If I approve, you can then come meet her with your ENTIRE family. I’ll think it over and get back to you in a few days. I’ll send you a copy of the adoption contract. If you think you can agree to the terms then we’ll then come do a home visit. This does not guarantee that she is yours! Her wellbeing and happiness is my priority. I am going to take my time in deciding. I will keep your application on file. When and if I decide that you are a great match, I’ll have you sign the adoption contract on the day we turn her over to you.

    Requirements for adopting this dog:
    You must fill out an adoption application.
    You must be willing to sign the adoption contract and adhere to all of the statements with in.
    You must be at least 18 years of age.
    You must be able to financially care for this dog as with in the terms set forth by the contract and with in accordance to local guidelines.
    Your WHOLE household must agree to this adoption.
    Written permission from landlord if you are renting.
    Give references with which you have received their permission for me to contact them.
    Realize that this is a commitment for the natural life of this dog.
    Be willing for me to do a home check on this dog at least annually (there'll be a few in the first year,) for the rest of the dog’s natural life. Be willing to release the dog back to me if I think it is living in substandard care.
    Commit to exercising this dog every day.
    Are not going to use it for fighting or as a bait dog.
    This dog will NOT be adopted to a college setting. (Such as dorms or a frat house.)
    Last edited by crow_noir; 11-17-2006 at 12:11 AM. Reason: typo

    Let nature guide your actions and you will never have to worry if you did the right thing. ~ crow_noir

    The pet world excels where the human world is lacking; sterilization and adoption. ~ crow_noir

    Please, if your dog is arthritic look into getting it Elk Velvet Antler. Look up my posts on it, PM me, or look it up on a search engine; but please if you love your dog and want it to live many more years consider this option. I've seen so many posts on here about dogs needlessly suffering. I can't make a new post about EVA every time so this plea is going here. EVA also helps with other ailments such as anemia.

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