Quote Originally Posted by critter crazy
hmmm...finding owners of a 8 week old kitten, wandering around in the street covered in fleas?? As far as I am concerend who ever had him, dosent deserve him, he would have been hit by a car had I not picked him up! No one should let a kitten run around in the street!No One! Sorry but that is how I feel!
I agree! He is a cutie!

Soni was a stray and we decided we were keeping him the day we found him. He ate mashed up, wet, diet dog food that not even a dog would eat! We took him to the vet the next day. He was between four and six weeks old. He had infected, abcessing, puncture wounds in his side (we found the night before) and were reminded of how to clean them out. Extremely filthy, covered in fleas, and without a meow (feels like he has damage in his neck).

That shouldn't have happened to him. If he was born from a stray then he is MY Soni boy and nobody can say otherwise. The story of the person who tried to come into MY house and tell me that Soni was HIS cat was just *slightly* more than laughable, especially since by the age (between 4 and 4 1/2 months) Soni was, we'd had him longer than that guy could have even BEFORE we'd had him.

Do not let go of this boy so easily! He definitely needs you.