My co-workers daughter has a 9 month old cat. The cat is not fixed. I'm not sure about the vaccinations its had - however, I don't think it's had any. Anyhow, this cat has attacked my co-workers daughter on several occasions. Not just scratches, but bites as well. My co-workers daughter went to the hosptial and she is now getting rabies shots. She is also too afraid to go near the cat and is calling Animal Control to see what she should do with it. I'm not sure if she's keeping it. I guess this girl is traumatized. And she found out that the cats from the same litter are all acting strange (however, she didn't elaborate as to whether they were attacking their owners too).

Would anybody know why the cat is acting this way? Is it because it may not be vaccinated as well as "fixed"?

Has anybody encountered something like this before?

Thanks for any answers you can give me.