I've been emailing back and forth with Gina. She is in the hospital again, and could use your prayers for herself and her animals. She gets very poor reception where she is, so she isn't able to log on to Pet Talk, but she can access and send email.

She is hospitalized because the poor girl was shot! There's a problem on her campus, and this is just one incident in a pattern. There is a detective working on her case. Gina was hit in the right hip. The bullet hit her bone but chipped it out at a 55-degree angle. She can't walk using her right leg very well, but is getting better.

here's today's update.. doctor just came in and check on my scar, told me I was very lucky it didn't went through the important vein or I would have been paraylzed on right sid. it was right by the hipbone. now I'm starting to have infection inside and out of navel (from emergency surgery) and it hurts like h*ll.
They think they'll have to open the wound again to help drain/clear the infection, and she's worried about that.

and about her critters:

my friend who took over feeding my animals this morning, took my injuried animals to vet. crayola (pre-colitis), peppers (bad case of stomalitis), whispers (gingivitis) and zephyra (a bad hip ligament tore & limping terribly). thank god he knew my coast vet or I'd have a HIGH bill to do when get home!! I'm deadly worried now..for the rest of the others .. I cried nonstop all day and doctors think I'm soooo depressed and need 'help'..
Crayola had been with her at the hospital, but went home yesterday, as it was too cold for him there. (Having been in hospitals, I believe it - it's so often freezing in there!)

I updated her on Pet Talk, she misses everyone and is keeping Sammy, Willie and everyone in her prayers as well. Gina's lonely and sad, and could use our support and well wishes.