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  • Karen's Avatar
    11-01-2024, 09:00 AM
    Karen replied to a thread Our Current Situation in General
    Thanks, mon! He now has a nose ring, which will take a couple weeks to heal, like an piercing on a human. So he's a bit sore right now, but otherwise...
    3 replies | 7487 view(s)
  • Karen's Avatar
    10-29-2024, 09:52 PM
    Karen replied to a thread My Apologies in Town Hall
    Aww, rest in peace, wee Mia. And our condolences, mon.
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  • Karen's Avatar
    10-29-2024, 12:28 PM
    Karen replied to a thread Our Current Situation in General
    Boo is now home! Such a relief, I will try to get some new pictures for you all. But he is home, and happy!
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  • Karen's Avatar
    10-28-2024, 11:07 PM
    Karen replied to a thread Is the site broken? in Today's Cat
    I am sorry - life got very very busy, and without Paul (who died 5/4/15) I have to do everything myself. My old computer won;t run Photoshop any...
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  • Karen's Avatar
    10-23-2024, 09:25 AM
    Karen replied to a thread My Apologies in Town Hall
    Thank you so much, Mon. Doing my best to keep my head up!
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  • Karen's Avatar
    10-10-2024, 02:58 PM
    Karen started a thread Our Current Situation in General - what we are currently dealing with.
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About CatGirl13

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About CatGirl13
A Siamese cat named Coconut (Coco for short), a Syrian hamster named Toffee, and a cheerful canary named Saffron!
I'm a fifteen year old cat lover (really animal lover though) who loves 80s music, talking with my friends, and playing with my pets! I also play the violin and my favorite movie is the Lord of the Rings (all of them!).
Action/fantasy movies, singing karaoke, bubble tea(I'm an avid boba drinker :P), being out in nature


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01-21-2022 07:55 PM
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  1. Cat Awesomeness Cat Awesomeness is offline

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    Cat Awesomeness
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  3. Felicia's Mom Felicia's Mom is offline

    Beau's mom too

    Felicia's Mom
  4. Furpup67 Furpup67 is offline

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  5. Karen Karen is offline


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