View Full Version : The bird flu has reached Germany - and cats can catch it, too! :(

02-16-2006, 02:21 PM
Yesterday, hundreds of dead birds (mostly swans) have been found dead on the German island Ruegen (in the Baltic sea), and this afternoon it has been confirmed that they have died from the H5N1-virus, the one that is also dangerous to humans - and cats!

Yes, cats DO pick up the virus, they get ill from it and die from it, they transmit it to other felines, and to humans, too. It's so scary!

Okay, I think my girls - as indoor cats - are relatively safe (even though I was thinking about removing the little bird feeding station outside the window), but I'm concerned about Peggy, and Dino.

Since Dino is still refusing to enter the house since Peggy has moved in, I guess there's nothing you can do for him to protect him, but I just had a very bad argument with my mother regarding Peggy.

She's still on vacation (will be back tomorrow), and even though she has admitted that the entire island was full of dead sea gulls (they're not on Ruegen, but on the island Foehr, which is in the North sea), she doesn't see any reason to keep Peggy inside!!!! :mad: Still claims it's animal abuse to keep her indoors. But that is so stupid as Peggy is inside the house the entire week now, as long as they are on vacation, and it doesn't seem to be a huge problem for her (of course she's occassionally whining and is sitting by the door, but I guess she would get over it eventually).

But as usual, my mother won't listen to me and gets angry, and I'm very worried about Peggy now. After all, they live in the forest, and there are many birds - and I'm sure Peggy is catching birds when she's outside!


02-16-2006, 02:52 PM
Wow, thats is so sad & scary. Those poor birds, especially the swans, they have a special place in my heart. I had no idea cats could catch it. Thanks for the warning.

I wish you luck with your mothers cat and you own.

02-16-2006, 05:02 PM
Well, I guess I can add THAT to my reasons why I don't let my cats outside. Thanks Kirsten!!

02-16-2006, 07:39 PM
This is very scary on many levels!!! It's supposed to cause epidemics in people too, and we don't have a vaccine for it yet!!! I'm terrified. :(

02-17-2006, 06:11 AM
All this is terribly sad - and scary as well! :(

Here's an article (http://www.cnn.com/2006/HEALTH/conditions/02/16/birdflu.slovenia.reut/index.html) from cnn.com about the latest outbreaks in Europe. :(


02-17-2006, 04:36 PM
How disheartening and sad to read this. I'm glad my fur posse is indoors and safe. Thanx for letting us know, Kirsten.


02-17-2006, 09:56 PM
Kirsten!! Can you kidnap Peggy???? It must be frustrating for you!! Thanks for the info!! All the Clan Cats stay inside!!!!

02-18-2006, 05:01 PM
This is very scary on many levels!!! It's supposed to cause epidemics in people too, and we don't have a vaccine for it yet!!! I'm terrified. :(

The virus has to mutate in order to be capable of being transmitted from human to human. That hasn't happened and may not happen. The catch 22 is that until it mutates, they can't create the best vacine against it.

02-19-2006, 04:30 AM
They're working on a vaccine as far as I know, but it hasn't been tested on humans yet.

Regarding Peggy: I spoke to my mother again and this time it seemed she listened. So I hope that if the bird flu reaches my area, she will consider keeping Peggy inside.


Miss Z
02-20-2006, 01:51 PM
Bird Flu may have reached Britain now:( :eek: It's spreading fast

02-20-2006, 02:13 PM
It has also reached France; I think - and the German continent. And most of the migratory birds haven't even arrived yet! :(


02-21-2006, 12:12 PM
I always think is BS, do you feel the same?

Yes, I think so, too. I don't think they have a clue what to do if the worst case scenario (mutation of the virus with a possible transmission from human to human) happens. They cannot even start working on a vaccine before the virus mutates!

It's really scary and I read today that the virus is now acting more aggressive than in the past, so I think mutation is very likely.

I read an article today that politicians consider to cancel the soccer world cup in case the virus mutates to the human form.


02-21-2006, 01:36 PM
Yep, that's true! :(

BTW, forgot to say: Yes, I think it may be because of the bird flu that they took blood from your hubby. Usually they don't do that when you have the flu. I had a very bad one in December and I "only" got antibiotics.

Hope your hubby is feeling better meanwhile!


Maya & Inka's mommy
02-21-2006, 03:04 PM
It reached Belgium too :eek: :eek: How scary!!

Hey, are you sure that cats can get it too? How did you find out? And, HOW can the get it? :confused:

02-21-2006, 11:07 PM
I heard an interview with the head of the WHO in Vietnam today. They have had not one outbreak of the bird flu in any poultry in 3 months!

The government there went on a massive vaccination program!

I think cats would catch it by eating or chewing on a bird who had the virus.

But I am not 100% sure.

Let's hope other governments start vaccinations - and maybe there will be one for our pets too!

02-22-2006, 02:27 AM
i hope your kitties are all safe. i hope you do all you can to keep peggy nside. she will get over her homesickness for the outside if you play with her etc.

02-23-2006, 01:40 PM
Hey, are you sure that cats can get it too? How did you find out? And, HOW can the get it?

Lut, there are lots of articles on the internet regarding cats and the avian flu.






It's very scary, I know! :(

And yes, they can pick up the virus from eating infected birds.

and this brings me to another question: if someone has the normal flue, can an indoor pet get it from you ?

Farruska, I'm not sure, but I think I read somewhere that they can get the flu from us, but it depends on the type of the virus, I think...

i hope you do all you can to keep peggy nside. she will get over her homesickness for the outside if you play with her etc.

icedtea, Peggy is not my cat, she's my mother's cat and lives in her home. If she would live with me, she wouldn't be allowed to go outside. I had many arguments with my mother in the past because of this, but unfortunately, she won't listen to me.


02-24-2006, 10:40 AM
Our vet said cats cannot catch our colds, none can they give us a cold. Dare I go out on a limb and say they cannot get the flu from us??? Although, at our house, neither Barry nor I have been ill, and the some of the cats act as if they are under the weather, ie, lethargic, not eating, sleeping alot, craving heat, and in the next day or two they are fine and back to their old selves. I have made a strict habit of NEVER EVER coming into the house with the shoes that I wear to the clinic and hospital!!! The shoes are kept in the garage!!! I thought about that once and wonder what kind of germs I was exposing them to by coming in the house with my work shoes!!
This bird flu is sure getting scary! Kirsten, thanks for all those sites to review!!!

02-28-2006, 12:24 PM
I just heard the bad news... :(

It's scary stuff!

I hope that people won't panic now and try to get rid of their cats. But it would definitely be a good idea to keep them inside to protect them.


02-28-2006, 03:59 PM
Barry just got in from work. He said his boss told him that a cat in France had died of the bird flu!!! John(the boss)said he has been tracking this for over a year and said that this would happen!!!! This is getting REALLY scary! I heard on the radio this morning that the bird flu has hit Sweden!!! HAs anyone spoken to a vet about the cats getting infected??!!!

03-01-2006, 10:40 AM
HAs anyone spoken to a vet about the cats getting infected??!!!

Not yet, but I will... :(


03-01-2006, 11:26 AM
I will. :)

If I got it right, people in the affected areas have been told now to keep their cats inside, and have their dogs on a leash.

All the infos I gathered so far can be read here: www.catmom.de (http://www.catmom.de/engl/birdflu.html) , and I will update the page every time I learn something new.


03-01-2006, 03:44 PM
The BBC has an excellent article about the bird flu. I reread my post from yesterday. I think I meant to say: has anyone asked the vet about the cats getting vaccinated?? Sorry for the senior moment!!!

03-02-2006, 12:31 AM
No, I haven't asked yet, but I read yesterday that vaccination for cats isn't planned at this point, as there is no vaccine. :(


03-03-2006, 10:37 PM
What is even more sad is pet owners are flooding shelters in Europe with their cats. :(
I read this on another pet site I frequent from a poster in Europe.
Sad people are starting to panic without useful, informative information.

03-04-2006, 02:14 AM
This is what I feared! :( :( :(


03-04-2006, 08:26 AM
Yes, I have heard that too!!! All they have to do is keep the cat inside!!

03-04-2006, 09:20 AM
I haven't heard any reports on cats being dumped over here,yet, but some people are dumping their pet birds.

Pets dumped amid bird flu fears
A wildlife rescue centre says pet birds are being dumped by their owners due to fears over Avian flu.

Warwickshire Wildlife Sanctuary, in Nuneaton, has had 12 birds, including budgies, cockatiels and love birds, left in its care in the past week.
Owner Geoff Grewcock said the centre does not usually receive domestic birds unless their owners die or are unwell.
He said people leaving their pets tell him it is due to bird flu, but he said they are panicking unnecessarily.

Incidents increasing

"People are getting so scared but it is so sad as these type of birds which live inside the house won't get bird flu," Mr Grewcock said.

Last week a canary was dumped at the Countryside Bird Farm in Feckenham, Worcestershire. Its owner was concerned about bird flu.
An RSPB spokeswoman said she was aware of an increase in such incidents.
She said: "We urge people not to dump their pets as there is no evidence of bird flu in this country anyway and pet birds are not outdoors."

The Department for the Environment and Rural Affairs (Defra) is also concerned people are overreacting.
It is asking them to call only if they find groups of dead wild birds.


03-04-2006, 10:21 AM
I thought about this problem for days, and decided to post a reminder on my bird flu information page (http://www.catmom.de/engl/birdflu.html) at www.catmom.de.

I wrote:

But please keep in mind...

Surely the bird flu is a serious threat. Nevertheless I would like to remind you not to panic and not to consider to get "rid" of your cat, bird or any other pet that lives with you. There's absolutely no need to!

Instead, try to get as much information as possible, and - if you live in an affected area - follow the precautionary measures to protect you and your pet.

An animal is a living being with feelings and emotions, and it will give you its love as long as it lives. It also has a right to have a loving home, together with "its" humans. Don't reject its friendship by allowing panic to take over, and by letting your fear suggest you that your pet friend now becomes a danger to you.

I know it won't help much, as not too many people are reading the page, but I thought as I already posted some facts about the disease, people should also be reminded not to panic.

My heart breaks for every animal that's losing it's home now because people are scared and uninformed.


03-10-2006, 09:44 AM
Hi all
One day a person said to me that people leaving their pets tell him it is due to bird flu, i give him a advise to take tamiflu drug for more information visit here- http://www.drugdelivery.ca/s3353-s-tamiflu.aspx it has good collection of information, you will be definitely find your self good with it. People are getting so scared but it is so sad as these types of birds, which live inside the house. So keep concentrate on it carefully.