View Full Version : I got a new dog!

03-17-2002, 09:38 AM
I went to Petco yesterday to drop off Ritz for his haircut and they had the pet adoption day. I was just looking at all the beautiful homeless faces, when I happened upon Kersee...a lab/shepherd cross. I fell in love. I am having her foster mom come over to my place and drop her off for a "trial run" but I think I have myself a new dog! This means that I won't be getting a golden any time soon, but there was a true spark between Kersee, Graham and me. Dan is really excited too. I'll tell you more and post pics when I get her tonight :)

03-17-2002, 09:50 AM
I can just see the excitement in your post. Wow, wonderful news.
Can't wait to hear how it all works out, and don't forget plenty of pictures.

03-17-2002, 10:08 AM
How wonderful! I can't go to Petsmart because I know I will end up with an additional cat. Congratulations and I hope everything works out. Please do post a picture! Awwwwwww, just warms my heart so!

Great news!;)

03-17-2002, 10:36 AM
I am so excited and nervous :) She's coming over at 6:30 tonight with Kersey (Dan LOVED her name but he really wanted it spelled with an "ey" instead of the way it was spelled before).

I am now finding a spot for her crate and starting to puppy-proof my house, since Kersey is only 8 months old. I can hardly wait :)

Dan wants to have a part in the training, instead of it only being my thing. When I met her she seemed perfectlly submissive with Graham which is essential. Graham and her did really well together.

You will all flip when you see her, she looks SO much like Graham, and she's got alot of gold in her, just like my Graham :)

I'll tell you all how it goes. I am litterly bouncing in my seat with excitement and nervousness :)

Her foster mom and I bonded alot, too. She's going to have a real hard time getting rid of Kersey. She got really attached so she wants to come and visit on occation...and when we go on vacation in May her foster mom is going to babysit Kersey for me, since Graham already has arrangements with the doggie daycare place :)

Dan really wanted to adopt a dog. He gets so sad when he sees pictures, or reads stories about all the homeless dogs in shelters. He wanted another dog, but he really didn't want to buy when there are so many homeless out there.

I already have plans on furthering her obedience. I am going to call on Monday and sign her up for her first class, and I am going to continue with obedience. If she likes it I will also put her in an agility class and see how she does. We have big plans for our new Kirsey girl :)

Aly, are you this excited when you are about to bring a new dog into yoru house? I am SOOOOO excited :)

03-17-2002, 10:47 AM
Congrats!!!! It sounds like a perfect fit. Hurry up with the pictures!!! lol She sounds like a beauty. I like it spelled with an "ey" too.

03-17-2002, 11:01 AM
Oh Leslie the joy in your post is so evident! I can only imagine how you must be in person right now! Congratulations to the whole family....you, Dan and especially Graham on the adoption of his new "little sister!" I can't wait for pictures either!!!!!!!!!

03-17-2002, 11:06 AM
I couldn't be happier for you and Dan AND Graham, Leslie!!!:) How exciting!!!!! She sounds so lovely, and the perfect "mate" for Graham! I'll be on pin and needles waiting for the official word! And pictures! CONGRATULATIONS!!

03-17-2002, 01:55 PM
Leslie!!! How exciting!!! I had no idea you would be ready to do this, but won't Graham be happy?? I really do hope he will adjust well to Kersey and they will be come best of friends. I can't wait to see her picture.

Hey, by the way, did you see that "Laughing Graham" won the Funny Dog contest over at Jackie's site!!! We all love that picture so much!! Congratulations, Graham!! He's just adorable and I can't wait to see a picture of his new sister. :)


03-17-2002, 02:22 PM
WOW, this is very exciting news for you guys. I know
what you mean by that "spark" being there when you
happen to meet that 'certain' dog. I'll be praying with
all my might that this all works out Great for everyone.

P.S. Leslie, you've got quite a hubby there; but of course
you already knew that didn't you. LOL.
Very Best Of Luck that all goes well...Liz.

03-17-2002, 04:56 PM
Tick tock tick tock tick tock...

The wait is killing me! I'm watching the clock and thinking of your 6:30 appointment with the new little sweetie--fingers and paws are crossed, of course. Put up pictures as soon as possible!

:) :D :)

03-17-2002, 06:31 PM
I am soooo excited for you!!! I nearly jumped out of my seat when I read your post. I can only imagine how excited you must be. It is now 7:30 (Eastern time). I hope all is going well for you. I can't wait to hear how it went.

03-17-2002, 07:15 PM
Isn't it great that we can all share and be excited together...I keep checking to see if anything has happened.

03-17-2002, 07:19 PM

I hope everything works out well. I am so happy. Sounds like a perfect addition to your family!!! Good luck! I am waiting to hear what happened........and pics, too!

03-17-2002, 07:39 PM
YYYYIIIPPPPEEE!!!!! GRAHAM HAS A BROTHER?SISTER?!!!!i forgot....doesn't matter which!!! we are sssooo happy for you.....cannot wait for the pics of kayley and graham together!!!! congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh!!! new PUPPY BREATH!!!!!!!!! yippee!!!!!!
i can tell by your post that "You have not thought about this much!!!"(just kidding) i am chuckling about how you've already got her signed up for agility....after her obedience...and after CRATE TRAINING!!!!....such a proud mama!!!!! and give dan a big hug for his part and understanding!!!!!!! you picked another winner in him!!!
:) :D ;) :) :D ;) :)

03-17-2002, 08:16 PM
Here's Kersey. I hope it works.

Real busy, can't talk long. Sofar Graham is NOT happy. He's so jealous and Kersey won't go potty on lead and I know she has to go, so it's going to be tough getting her to go potty.

Will post more later :) Thanks for the caring words.

03-17-2002, 08:20 PM
Leslie. Im going to steal her! i swear! she does lok alot like Graham! same colorings!! you dont relize how happy i am for you... ooohh i want another doggie spooooo baaad

03-17-2002, 08:23 PM
first i'm saying...Thats not Kersey!!! thats' graham!!!! then i see the two precious babies together...you don't have a new dog!!! you have bookends!!!!!!!!!:D :D

graham will warm up...give him time......she might just need another walkie later....maybe shes' used to going out later!!!!
they'll be great together!!! and they match!!!!!!!;) :) :D ;) :) :D
give them both lots of hugs!!!! graham first for now...till he gets over his jealous stage;)

03-17-2002, 08:24 PM
Okay, is it just me or does Kersey have a smile? Boy, Leslie, I don't know what you do to these dogs to make them so happy. I can't believe that smile. The similarities in the two are remarkable. I wish you the best of luck.

03-17-2002, 08:25 PM
I was just about to leave my computer and your post showed up! Boy am I glad I was still logged on! Kersey is so pretty and does resemble "big brother" quite a bit!! Oh Leslie you are in for some fun times ahead. Thank you for the pictures. I remember when we first got Bella I was so busy with her it seemed I hardly had time to do anything! Lots of love to you all! And good luck with the pottying! :D

03-17-2002, 08:29 PM

I am so happy for you!! Kersey looks sooo much like Graham!! Oh wowwwww, I can't believe you got another dog! I was SO excited and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw who started this thread.

Don't worry about the problems. As I'm sure you know, there is usually a rocky transition with adding any dog to a household. I am sure you, Dan, Graham, and Kersey will all adjust beautifully. Just be sure to give Graham his alone time so he doesn't think he's being replaced :) Hey, just act innocent and say you don't have another dog, he's just looking in the mirror ;) :p

Yes, I always get SO excited when I add a dog to the household!!! And I am just about as excited for you as I would be for myself! :) You're a wonderful mommy and I hope things will be smooth for you in no time!


03-17-2002, 08:34 PM
Congrats on the new dog!!! When I was scrolling through the post and saw the pictures, I thought it was Graham. I hope it works out for you!!

It was so hard for us the first few days when Sadie was getting used to Cincy. Shewas so jealous at first and wanted nothing to do with the new puupy. Now they follow each other everywhere.

Congrats and Good Luck!!!!

03-17-2002, 08:39 PM

Just wanted to say the pictures are GREAT. "Bookends"
for sure. With time & you and Dan's love and patience,
things will work out. Heck, it's Kersey's very First night
in her new place. Prayers & Best Wishes to you all. Liz.

03-17-2002, 08:39 PM
I forgot to mention...I invited Anne, Kersey's foster mom, to join us. She was sad to see Kersey go to a new home, which I completely understand, so I told her about our wonderful community, and to come and join us :) She may just look around for awhile, but hopefully she joins us :)

G'night everyone....I'm BEAT!

03-17-2002, 08:51 PM
What a pretty girl she is!!! She and Graham do look a lot alike. Graham will be fine as soon as he realizes that Mommy and Daddy love him as much as ever and he sees that he has a new buddy to play with, he'll forget all about being cranky. Good luck and keep us posted.

03-17-2002, 08:54 PM
Read your post earlier about getting the new dog. Just came back to answer an earlier post and seen your pictures! They are wonderful! You are going to have your hands full for a while!
Good Luck!!!!!!

03-17-2002, 08:55 PM
Good luck Leslie with your new pup. She is really pretty and really does look like Graham. As they say, you will have matching bookends. LOL
Hope it all works out for you, I'm sure Graham will get used to the new pup, just needs a little time.

03-17-2002, 09:01 PM
congrats on the new dog Leslie...Graham will warm up, he just has to get his head around the thought of having a little sister. The same thing happened to Smudge when we got Winter he loved her at the spectrum but when we got her home they had to work things out and now well now they're partners in crime who are playing as I type.

03-17-2002, 09:53 PM
Oh, I'm so glad I came back one more time so I could
see her picture!!! :D They look a lot alike, bookends for

Take your time, Leslie. You may need to separate them for
a while until Graham can get used to having her there. I'd
do everything "first" with him, and make sure he gets his one
on one time. But you know, it may take a while to get
him used to her.

I'm so happy for you and Dan!!! :D

03-17-2002, 10:23 PM
Congratulations!!! I'm sooo happy for you!

Oh, Leslie!!! She is ADORABLE!:) ;) She looks sooo happy!

Sarah & Sadie

03-17-2002, 10:37 PM
Congrats Leslie!!!

Matchin' dawgies! how kewl is that?! lol

03-17-2002, 10:57 PM
You couldn't have done any better than if you would have 2 purebreeds!!
That is just wild!
Congrats and I can't wait to hear stories!!

03-17-2002, 11:14 PM

It will take a little time for adjustment, but all will go well!! How could it not? They're perfect for each other! Lucky, lucky, lucky!!! :):)

03-18-2002, 05:27 AM
I also thought it was Graham when I looked at the picture! THeir resemblance is striking. I'm so excited for you and Dan!

I'm waiting for the next update :)

Graham, I know you like your new sister. Don't worry you're still No 1. :cool:

03-18-2002, 06:23 AM
Graham has a look-a-like sister...what a stitch. For a minute I thought I was seeing double! And to top off all the ++++ here, she was *an adopted* girl!!! And she found her home with Lelie and Dan!!!!! Could life get any sweeter? We are just thrilled for you all.

Just don't expect Kersey to be Graham, Leslie. You know he is the Wonder Dog, one of a kind. He has set the standard fairly high in your house. Look at her for her own traits, qualities, and temperment. Let her have her time to get adjusted to a new routine and new parents and having a big brother. Happy day as this is, it is going to be stressful for everybody involved.

We know you are going to be busy, busy, busy, and are not going to have much time for us, but try really hard to keep us updated on every detail of how it is going. I am so excited, I can hardly stand it.

03-18-2002, 06:51 AM
Leslie, Rachel is so right. Don't expect Kersey to act like angel Graham. In fact, when Shiloh came into our lives, I called her Little Devil and Killian was Angel!! LOL I wouldn't have changed her personality for anything! She was the little troublemaker, instigator, food hog, etc.! BTW, she STILL is and she has brought new life into Killian (who is still the Angel MOST of the time. LOL

Shiloh was first given a crate to be in safely when no one was at home. She was loose in the house when someone was. That was for her protection just in case Killian decided that she was not welcome when no one was home. Next, she graduated to baby gates separating Killian and her (only when no one was home, which was rare anyway). Then full use of the house when they were home alone. This worked out fine.

Good luck to you!! I am soooooo happy for you! :):)

03-18-2002, 07:00 AM
Leslie, my miniature poodle Ashley was three years old when we got Whitney (standard poodle). Even though Whitney was smaller than Ashley when we brought her home, Ashley ran under my husband's desk! :rolleyes: That behavior didn't last long, though. :) Over time Ashley resumed her role as "top dog" and "queen of the house" with Whitney worshipping her and following her everywhere she went. It's funny how they fall into their respective roles over time. I can hardly wait to hear the stories but know you will be VERY busy so will be waiting patiently.

03-18-2002, 07:00 AM
CONGRATULATIONS LESLIE AND DAN!!!! I can't believe how much they look alike...."separated at birth???:D What a doll! SMILES, SMILES, SMILES!!! And Leslie, the acceptance any new addition takes time and patience, as I'm sure you know! I think Graham will come around very soon.:) Till then, Sue's gradual introduction method sounds like the way to go. But you know them best! Can't wait for updates! I am SO happy for you all! Yippppppppeee!!

03-18-2002, 07:30 AM
Congratulations to you, to Kersey, to Dan - and to Graham. He might not know right now that he's always needed a kid sister, but as a kid sister myself, I can assure him life will be much more interesting ;) with her around!

Dixieland Dancer
03-18-2002, 07:45 AM
WOW! This was a big shock! When I saw the originator of the thread I couldn't believe it, but I am sooooo happy for you Leslie! I knew how much you wanted another pup.

And a Graham look a like was just icing on the cake! Just remember to give Graham lots of extra hugs and scratches during this transition period and he will be just fine! He needs to be reconfirmed that this dog is not taking his place. After all he has been the sun, stars, and moon in your eyes for a long time!

CONGRATULATIONS to Leslie, Dan and Graham on their new addition! :D :D :D :D :D

03-18-2002, 08:06 AM
OMG! I am gone for a weekend and you got a new daog! He!He!He! Sounds like something Andreew would say to me :D

Congrats! I am so excited for you. I hope Graham's transition goes well and Kersey gets used to her new home quick! how exciting it must be! Glad that Dan wants to help out with her too.

You have to take more pictures! Can't believe how much she looks like Graham boy!

03-18-2002, 08:24 AM
Kersey is just ADORABLE! I can definitely see the Labbie ears (my Cody's) and that TONGUE!!!! LOL!
You know how I feel about your Graham, so I'm sure Wonder-Dog will adjust, he's so loving and smart and sweet. And I know that both will get all your love. She'll learn a lot from Graham and I'm sure they'll become inseperable.
If you don't mind, please give that big-hearted hunk Dan a HUGE hug for me! He is really something! How fantastic that you both feel the same. Hmm. there's a lot of talk about cloning ..LOL!
You are one lucky girl! I couldn't be happier for you!!!
Big hugs to ALL and an extra special smooch to my..oops. YOUR Graham !!! Love you lots....Karen

03-18-2002, 10:50 AM
YIPPEE SKIPPEE!! :D :D She's such a beauty, and that smile...

I'll bet it's rough on Graham now, but he'll adjust. We thought Kobie would never get used to Eli (she'd run up to him and do a body slam that would send the little tyke sliding across the floor), but she did. Just give them each their own love and attention, and do everything first for Graham so he knows he's still the main man around the house!

03-18-2002, 12:50 PM
Wonderful news, indeed!!!!!

03-18-2002, 01:22 PM
WOW LESLIE - you sure you didn't have Graham cloned:D :D Such a sweet, sweet little sister for Graham. Boy I bet he is the jealous one. She's a beauty Leslie - Congratulations


03-18-2002, 02:01 PM
Has Graham figured out that he has a new playmate and not just a dog to be jealous of? I bet they end up sleeping together, playing etc. How is it going for you now? Keep us posted.


03-18-2002, 08:06 PM
Again can't talk long, I am really tired and I have to go to bed but I wanted to give you all an update.

Graham and Kersey are doing amazingly well! They actually played today...and Graham actually innitiated the play session. Kersey is also really doing so well. She's so sweet and friendly. Here I have attached a picture of her with her "foster kids" who loved her alot, as you can see. I hope Anne, Kersey's foster mom does not mind me posting these pics:

This was Kersey with "her boys" shortly before she came to live with Dan and I.

03-18-2002, 08:20 PM
Glad to hear things are going well. She sure is a beautiful girl!!!

03-18-2002, 09:00 PM
Oh, she is sooooo cute!!

03-18-2002, 09:01 PM
Yippeee!! Graham got a sister!!! Maybe the icky maintainence people will watch their step now that Kersey's watchng Graham's back!;) I'm so happy for y'all!

03-19-2002, 12:31 AM
YAY!! I'm so glad things are smoothing out already! I would love to see those two play! I bet its sooo cute :)

03-19-2002, 12:38 AM
I still can't get over how much they look alike!
Can you once again tell me what mix Graham is and is Kersey the same mix.
I told Sandra if I would have found a dog that looked so much like mine I think I would have had to jump on the chance too!
I bet when you walk the 2 of them, people will ask if they are related or if its a new breed!

03-19-2002, 12:55 AM
congrats :D:D what a beauty!

03-19-2002, 05:45 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
I still can't get over how much they look alike!
Can you once again tell me what mix Graham is and is Kersey the same mix.
I told Sandra if I would have found a dog that looked so much like mine I think I would have had to jump on the chance too!
I bet when you walk the 2 of them, people will ask if they are related or if its a new breed!

Her appearence did draw her to me, but it was her personality that won me over. I fell in love with her because she is a true love. She loves everyone, everything and she has such a zest for life. She is wonderful with children, other dogs, cats...that is what I fell in love with. She just happened to have the right look that drew my attention :) I couldn't be happier with her. She is adding some more life to Graham, also. Graham spent his entire day, aside from eating and going out for a potty, sleeping. I really felt that he needed a young dog or a puppy to get him up and moving more. It's working and Graham is, believe it or not, nearly 100% over with his jealousy. I have never seen him get over it this quick.

Graham does know that he is "the man" and I will never let him forget it. He's my angel and my love. He's my first baby and he's the alpha. I am keeping all these things in mind. He's comfortable with our new addition :)

By the way, Staci, I am pretty sure Graham has Australian Shepherd, Chesapeke Bay Retriever, maybe some Brittney and maybe some pit bull in him.

Kersey is said to have labbie, GSD, and maybe a bit of chow mixed in. She has the temperment of a labbie for sure but she really shows alot of GSD in her.

03-19-2002, 06:06 AM
Leslie it sounds like the perfect match and Kersey arrived just in time to get Graham over the slump of his injury. Nothing like a puppy to get everyone moving around again (humans and canines alike!) I know you will make Kersey feel welcomed and loved while at the same time letting Graham know he is still on his throne as King of the Castle! ;)

03-19-2002, 06:26 AM
I am so glad to hear that everyone is getting along so well. This is the second best news, the first being that you found this sweet girl. I think Graham will really enjoy the company during the day when you are both at work. What an enrichment for his life as well as both of yours.

03-19-2002, 06:39 AM
:) :) Lucky, Lucky Kersey to have you for her Mom - she'll come to realize that she has been adopted by Super FurMom:D ;)

03-19-2002, 07:06 AM
I am really so thrilled for you!!!!!!!! :):)

03-19-2002, 07:32 AM
I am so excited for you guys. Glad to hear that Kersey and Graham are getting along well. The picture of Kersey and the boys melted my heart! How sweet! We need a picture of Graham and Kersey together!

Dixieland Dancer
03-19-2002, 07:38 AM
Graham the wonder dog has done it again!

I wouldn't expect anything less of him than to rise to the occassion of making his new sister feel welcome in her new home! I agree with Souraya..... WE NEED PICTURES OF THEM TOGETHER!!!! :D

03-19-2002, 07:55 AM
Bless their hearts!! Leslie, I hate you didn't get a chance to get your Golden Retriever, but maybe one day. I think that Kersey is perfect for you and for Graham!!! :D

03-19-2002, 01:46 PM
Wow! She does look alot like Graham! Oh she's so pretty! I love her!!!! I wish I had her! ;) :)

03-19-2002, 03:23 PM
Sorry I didn't see your thread earlier. Kersey is beautiful! She's only 8 months old? she looks like she's going to be a big girl. :) I'm so glad everything is working out with her and Graham.

It's stunning how much they look alike. You'll have to put different colored collars on them so you can tell them apart easily! We fostered a GSD once that had very similar coloring as Iris. We would get them mixed up so much. Once you looked at them for a second, you'd know who's who, but if you just glanced at them for a moment out of the corner of your eye, you be mixing them up! :D

03-19-2002, 04:51 PM
Sounds like the perfect match to me!!! I'm so relieved to hear that Grahamster is taking it all in with his usual aplumb! What a guy! And you're right! Kersey may be just what the doctor ordered! The whole family is smiling!!:)

03-19-2002, 07:54 PM

Thank you for posting Kersey's picture & letting everyone
know how the introduction & everyday living is progressing.

I am Sooooo Happy for you guys. Sounds like you are
doing a big job, but a great job with the furkids...

Just get plenty of rest and don't feel you have to do
anything but love them both & take care of youself till
everyone settles in. As you know very well, it just takes
time , love & attention. Hope all continues to go well for
you guys. Hugs & Best Wishes from Buddy & Liz.

P.S. Think that Graham has found his "doggie" soulmate
in Kersey....

03-20-2002, 01:51 PM
Awwww!!! Congrats on the adoption of Kersey. How exciting! I'm so happy for you and Graham too! I was amazed at the resemblance they have of each other. I guess you could say that Graham has a ...uh...'big' sister now!!:D :D


Riley's Mom
03-20-2002, 02:24 PM
Hi gang. I'm a newcomer, and my name is Anne. I am the person who was fostering the wonderful Kersey. She wandered into our yard about a month ago with no tags or collar. Since she has excellent jumping abilities (over our cyclone fence), we named her after Jackie Joyner-Kersee the olympic runner/jumper.

Anyway, Mark and I fostered her for exactly one month, placing ads in local papers to search for this wonderful dog's family. We love her, but knew we could not offer her the home she deserves because we both travel with work. We ended up registering her with a couple of rescue societies. I have to say, I was very VERY WORRIED about letting her just go to any family, and was not terribly pleased with how the whole process worked. They did not investigate potential families like I thought they should. Please, don't be offended if you are connected with a rescue society. I just felt that the Queen of England herself was not good enough for Kersey! We had received lots of strange phone calls with our ads, so I became very protective. I had no idea how many animals were abused, neglected and just "dumped" until this experience. Well, to make a very long story short (and with a happy ending), Leslie and I met that day and the rest is history!

My fears are long since at rest. The moment I met Leslie and Graham, I felt an instant bond with both of them. The way Kersey (aka Kersee) responded to Graham was wonderful too. It was almost like fate that brought us together. I came home feeling much more at ease that day, but was uncertain if Leslie was going to call. She seemed too good to be true. But, all of you who know her from "dog of the day", can testify what a wonderful, kind, loving and dedicated doggie mom (and beta mom) she is! She and her husband decided to take Kersey and make her a part of their family. We were delighted, though I spent most of the day in tears (for my own selfish reasons). Although she never said for sure, I have a feeling that they both took the first day off work to spend with their new baby girl!

Leslie, Dan and Graham, I thank you all sincerely for giving Kersey a wonderful home. She is a lucky dog to have all of you! I wanted to post my feelings here in a public forum for all to see. You can never know how grateful my family is to have met you! I am also thankful that we will have the opportunity to keep in touch, develop a friendship and see Kersey and Graham grow together!

Most Sincerely,
Riley's Mom
and Kersey and Graham's Aunt :)

03-20-2002, 02:49 PM
Remember, it's ok to come to the cat side and introduce Riley.

Riley's Mom
03-20-2002, 03:42 PM
I will be introducing Riley soon. Believe me, he get's much exposure from my digital camera! I just wanted to post and let Leslie know how happy we are!

03-20-2002, 04:34 PM
Hi Anne! So glad you could join us. I tell youk, this is the BEST website. Everyone here is just incredibly wonderful. You'll fit RIGHT in *especially if you post lots of pics of Riley, us Pet Talkers like pictures as you may have found out :) *

Remember that funny, multi-colored stuffy toy with a ton of squeakies in it??? Well Kersey has successfully de-stuffed it :) Hehehe :) It's funny, I really like when dogs play with squeeky toys. I missed hearing that, as Graham rarely plays with his toys :)

Good thing we have about 12 other stuffies for her to de-stuff :)

Again, I can't tell you how good it is that you joined! It's just keeps getting better with my adoption of Kersey. Not only did we gain a fantastic puppy, but we have also gained a friend, and I have also gained someone a new "chat buddy" here on Pet Talk.

03-20-2002, 04:48 PM
Welcome Welcome, Anne!! So happy you joined us here on Pet Talk! Kersey is definitely one lucky gal, having a foster mom like you, and an adopted family like Leslie's!! We always love happy endings, and now it's just the beginning for Leslie and her family with Kersey's antics! Can't wait to get to know Kersey and you! Again, a very hearty welcome, you'll become addicted just like the rest of us!!:D

03-20-2002, 08:13 PM
Welcome Anne...glad you decided to join us. Thanks for taking such good care of Leslie's newest addition. See Leslie, I told you they would be friends in no time.

03-21-2002, 05:27 AM
Welcome Anne! I can't wait to be introduced to Riley!

Riley's Mom
03-21-2002, 07:59 AM
Thank you all for the warm welcome. I really appreciate it. Hey, Leslie, I just saw the pictures you posted on the first day. The picture of Kersey with her tongue out is PRICELESS!

I'm so happy she and Graham are adjusting to each other so well. I really saw how wonderful Graham was, and personally I didn't have any doubts at all! I hope they enjoy many hours of play this coming weekend!

Well, I am going to be leaving on vacation today at 3:00 pm. We will be gone for 10 wonderful days to Gulf Shores, AL and New Orleans. I will not post, or reply while we are gone because we do not have computer access.

I need to find out how to post my photos on here. If any of you can let me know, or direct me to the instructions on the website, I would appreciate it. I'm pretty computer savvy, but just can't seem to figure it out!:confused:

Thanks again for the welcome and I look forward to sharing photos of my baby Riley here and in the cat section!


03-21-2002, 08:04 AM
Anne - Welcome - How lucky you are to have found such a wonderful home for Kersey - just couldn't be better, she is in for a wonderful life - Bless You!!!!